30 Christhians from 8 families returns to Hinduism.Mumbai : It was a moment of pride for all of them who returned to Hinduism here on Sunday.( 26th June 11 ) All of those who reconverted back to Hinduism belong to extremely poor strata of society made this decision after they failed to achieve equal social status in the faith which was introduced to them by their mentors who once came to them as saviours in white cloak.The programme was organized at Wageshwari devi temple at Filmcity road in Goregaon East,Mumbai by VISHWA HINDU PARISHAD (VHP) under the vibrant leadership of Shri Anand Kumar Pande (VHP District secretary) who showed all of them the path to return to religion of their forefathers.
Every one had their own stories of fraud & deception. Cabral now Kannan Swami narrated his pathetic tale who was converted to Christianity around 12 years back by New Life fellowship church,who converted as his wife was unable to bear child & Pastor Immanuel promised him that his wife will conceive if he brings his belief in Jesus Christ which he did. But still after conversion his wife could not concieve & finally he adopted a girl child.The worst thing came when his Aunt expired & he called Pastor to perform the final rites as per Christian faith but he never turned up,desparately he ran to a Roman Catholic Church near locality but the watchman at graveyard turned him away saying that only Catholics could be buried there & finally without any option his Aunt was cremated as per Hindu Rites. Similar story is of Rusi now Sharda who was baptized by Eternal life fellowship church 15 years back saying that she would get a job which never fulfilled. One Kondiba Gaikwad was baptized to Christianity in year 1981 when he was just 14 years old,all he remembers is his father was given a bicycle in Udgir in Latur District Maharashtra. As saying “ I Spent nearly 30 years in Christainity but I always had a simmering wish to become a Hindu one day which got fulfilled today & I am thankful to Shri Anand Kumar Pande (VHP District Secretary) & VHP who gave me this opportunity.All of them were relieved to come back home. A Yagna was organized by the VHP & Bajrang Dal Unit of Dindoshi District which all of them performed after which all of the families were provided with Photos of lord Shiva & Krishna & new clothes. When commenting the VHP District Secretary Shri Anand Kumar Pande said that “ It was our moral duty to bring these poor & innocent people back home who were deceived by the people known for their crafty designs. “ The programme was also attended by Shri Prashant Hadtalkar,VHP Maharashtra State secretary, Shri KV Ramchandran Nair, VHP District Joint Seretary & Dr Ram Dayal Dhoundiyal, VHP Konkan Prant Dharma Prasar Pramukh, Smt Aruna Tai Acharya,VHP Maharashtra State Mahila Vibhag Pramukh & Shri Sushil Upadhay Bajrang Dal Joint Co-ordinator,Dindoshi Unit. http://www.haindavakeralam.com/HKPage.aspx?PageID=14135&SKIN=D