Newdelhi April 19: Ashok Singhal, International Patron of Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) has written a letter to Prime Minister of India requesting that Ramsetu be declared a National Monument but it should not be given to the UNESCO in the name of ‘World Heritage’. GOI is supposed to reply SC today(19/4/12) whether the Ramsetu be declare as national monument or not.
The letter is posted below:
Aadaraniiya Pradhan Mantri Ji,
Sadar Namaskar & Jai Sri Ram!
Subject: Ramsetu be declared a National Monument ASAP. It should be in the hands of GOI ASI and not given to the UNESCO in the name of ‘World Heritage’.
(1) As asked by the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India to your Government on March 27, 2012 to make the GOI’s stand clear on whether Ram Setu could be declared a national monument, Vishva Hindu Parishad hereby requests your Government to reply to the SC in the affirmative as soon as possible, if the reply is still pending.
(2) Kindly ask your GOI Archaeological Survey of India to declare the Ramsetu as a monument and site of National importance, in other words, a National Monument. Also the GOI ASI National Mission on Monuments and Antiquities (NMMA) that is mandated to prepare database on monuments and sites be asked to register the Ramsetu as a monument and site of National importance.
(3) VHP also urges upon the Government of India that in the name of ‘World Heritage’ the Ramsetu must not be given to an external organization such as the UNESCO, etc., on which Bharat won’t be having any authority. The Ramsetu should be in the hands of the GOI ASI and the NMMA should register it as a National Monument and all necessary decisions in this matter should be taken by the GOI as early as possible.
Thanking you in anticipation,
Yours in the service of Maa Bhaarati and Dharma,
Patron, VHP International
Copy for kind info. and necessary action to
1. Dr. Gautam Sengupta
Director General
Archaeological Survey of India
Janpath, New Delhi – 110011
Phone: 23013574, 23015954
23019487 fax
2. Sri R.S. Fenia
GOI ASI National Mission on Monuments and Antiquities (NMMA)
GE Building, Red Fort, Delhi – 110 006