Bengaluru Jan 22, 2017: RSS inspired forum of lawyers, Adhivakta Parishad Karnataka has conducted a one day conference of Women Advocates at Gandhi Bhavan Kumarakrupa Road Bengaluru.

More than 100 women advocates from 7 southern districts of karnataka have participated in the conference along with around 50 men advovates.
Mrs justice Ratnakala has inaugurated the conference and rendered inaugural address. Dr. Arati VB, a schollar in sanskrit and child psychology and founder of Vibhu Academy and Smt Sandya Madinur Sitting sole women member of Karnataka State Bar Council were chief guests for the inauguration. Smt Manjula Padesur, State Vice President of APK had PPresided over the inauguration. Sri AMSuryaprakash, President APK, SRI Prasanna Deshpande GnrlSec APK, Smt Manjula Kamadolli, Journalist Vijayalakshmi Shibarooru, Smt Sumati,the convener and Co conveners were on dias.