Bharat Muni Samman Samaroh held at Akhil Bharatiya Kalasadhak Sangam at Bengaluru
February 3, 2024: Dr. Mohan Bhagwat, Sarasanghachalak of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh presented Bharatmuni Samman to Ganapat Sakharam Masge, famous folk artist and Vijay Dashrath Achrekar, well known for his paintings. Dr. Mohan Bhagwat presented the awards at Akhil Bhartiya Kalasadhak Sangam organized by Sanskar Bharti at the Art of Living International Centre, Bengaluru in the presence of Vasudev Kamath, President of Sanskar Bharti; Subodh Sharma, Convenor of Bharatmuni Samman Samaroh & Sudhir, Kshetreeya Pracharak, Dakshin Madhya Kshetra of RSS.

Dr. Mohan Bhagwat addressing the gathering said that this is a historic event happened today, since for first time an initiative of this kind to recognize and honour the achievers who practice Bhartiya Arts and familiarizing Bhartiyata to the society is taking place. He said artists are ascetical personalities. Though, it has been 75 years attaining freedom, it took time to ascend the pride of Swa of Swatantra, Bhartiyata of Bharat again among the people, but it is happening slowly. In any field such ascetical personalities working with Bhartiyata were neglected and such negligence has ended now. Bharat will awaken slowly and it shall recognize itself.

Recalling his words at Ram Mandir on January 22, Dr. Bhagwat said he had told Bharat’s Swa has come back when Ram Mandir was inaugurated. In every field, Bharat’s Swa will be evident in future and such manifest is happening first time through Sanksar Bharati after Ram Mandir Inauguration is a noticeable fact.

Dr. Mohan Bhagwat describing arts play vital role in human life, he said Identity of arts is compassion. Without empathy and compassion there can be no arts. Various forms of arts pursuits in holistic development of a human being since birth, to imbibe compassion, sensitivity and make human civilized. A human who is not civilized cannot be human at all. He said association of arts with entertainment is less but it is more related to holistic advancement of human being. Arts make humans humanistic and so artists ought to be recognized. He further ascertained that arts are efforts of culture. Arts & culture cannot be seen isolated. He acknowledged the contribution of artists and thanked them for keeping Bhartiyata and Swa alive continuously whereas we are now remembering & recalling it. He appealed to artists to continue such good work so that it is useful to the society. Bhartiya arts has the competence and capability to show the path to the world arts. He added that arts are also used to change the public perception and degrade the cultural values.

During ancient times, artists were recognized by kings but in the modern world, it has to be done through people institution as it is societal necessity and Sanskar Bharti has done it.

Bharatmuni Samman is awarded for first time as one of its kind of initiatives by Sanskar Bharti in recognizing and encourage artists of Bhartiya arts, fine arts & culture. Awards consist of a Certificate and Cash Prize of Rs. 1 Lakh.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Spiritual Leader and Founder of Art of Living along with RSS Sarasangachalak will grace Valedictory Session of Akhil Bhartiya Kalasadhak Sangam to be held on 4th February 11.30 AM.

After the presentation ceremony, short play Krishna Kahe was enacted by Mahabharat series fame Nitish Bharadwaj as Sri Krishna and his team emphasizing on equality. They presented that varna was based on occupation and it is wrongly perceived as caste. Theatrical demonstration showed every occupation is equally important in preparation of chariot. Sri Krishna appears to his devotees who see equality, practice equality without any kind of discrimination. This was followed by demonstration of Chhau dance enacting friendship and social harmony in Ramayana. Chhau dance is a tradition from eastern India that enacts episodes from epics including the Mahabharata and Ramayana, local folklore and abstract themes.