Kodakkara Kochi: Bhoomi Pooja for International Sree Krishana Kendra (ISK) was performed on April 16 by His Holinees Jayendra Sarwswathy of Kanchi Kamakodi Peedam and the construction will start right after. The ISK is a re-creation of the age old concept of Vrindavana village, in central Kerala on the slopes of the Western Ghats, about 5kms off Kochi-Thrissur National Highway near Kodakara.
During the ceremony, Swamy Athmasvaroopaanada assorted waters collected from 43 rivers from across Kerala to Ganga jal and sprinkled in the sacred land. Incarnation of Dwapara yug Vrindhavana to present Kalyugha was started out by worshiping Gomatha under the guidance of Vezha parambu Chithrabhnu Nambuthiri padu and Kaimukku Vaidhikan Sreedharan Namboothiri. The public function was inaugurated by Kochi Devasaom Ombudsman; Justice R Bhaskaranan. He had remarked the project to be a milestone in the history of Bhalagokhulam during the inaugural speech. While addressing the function Balagokhulam chief mentor M A Krishnan had emphasized the potential impact of ISK in the society and the transformation. P.E.B Menon, Prantha Sanghachalak of RSS also called ISK project as another milestone in Sangh history of Kerala
Bharathiya Vichara Kendram director P Parameshvaran, former Centeral Minister O Rajagopal,RSS Prantha Karaiyavahu P Gopalan Kutty ,Kaliyan silks managing director T.S Pattabhi raman , Jayalekshmi Silks director Narayana Kammatha were also present for the inaugural function.
A centre devoted to informal and formal education on Sreekrishna’s life, teachings and actions would resurrect our value systems. It is in this perspective that Balagokulam (a nationwide cultural organization, registered in 1974, engaged in inspiring children with human values and cultural activities through weekly classes) has initiated steps to establish International Sreekrishna Kendram (ISK), as a unit under Bala Samskara Kendram (a Public Charitable Trust, registered in 1988).
Aim to establish a model village designed to portray Sreekrishna’s life, teachings and actions, in simple and lucid forms. Thus, any visitor to the centre (children, youth and adults – both from India and abroad) will be amplified by the all pervading nature of Sreekrishna, the Upholder of Dharma, the Annihilator of Adharma, the Propounder of a philosophy seeing the whole universe as one family (Vasudaiva Kudumbakam). In addition, the visitor will also be able to understand and appreciate the contributions of our ancient masters towards moulding an ideal society that loved to live in peace, poise and harmony and to accept aging gracefully.
The ISK, a model village, among other things, would include:
The Sreekrishna Temple will be the centre of attraction of the project. This will be unique in many ways.
The temple will have an open sanctum sanctorum and the idol of Lord Sreekrishna could be viewed from any angle.
The temple built on marble and granite will be erected on lofty cylindrical pillars on a circular platform with the Kalindi River’ incessantly flowing around.
The first floor of the temple will exhibit mural paintings reflecting the various episodes of Lord krishna’s life from incarnation to swargarohan.
The second floor will house Navagrahas with ‘SURYA’ at the centre . Above that will be the Lord’s victory mast and saffron flag.
The idol of Bhagvan Sree Krishna of childhood days made in krishnasila holding a pot full of butter in one hand and presenting it as ‘prasadom’ to the devotees with the other hand, would be an enthrilling experience to everyone.
Visitors / devotees from any corner of the world will be free to have their offerings as per their custom and practice.
VEDA VINGYANA KENDRAM(Library cum Study & Research Centre)
The Veda Vingyana Kendram (Veda learning centre) attached to the complex provide facilities to interested students to learn the teachings of the ascetic Gurus. All the structure of culture of our land are made on the pillars of Vedas.
The Veda Vingyana Kendram is an attempt to educate the interested students on Vedas, Upanishads and Puranas their interpretations and their relative importance in the evolution of Hinduism and Indian culture. The Centre will offer basic courses on Vedas, Hindu rituals and history which will contribute to the total development of a person embodying our cultural values. The centre also provides scope for advanced learning and research as well, for which the services of eminent scholars will be made available. The centre will archive even the rarest of books on the subject. The availability of supporting library will be the strength of this centre. The Centre provides both residential and non-residential courses affiliated with renown Universities. Residential facilities will be available in the students hostel. Details on the same will be published in these sites soon when the centre is operational. By equipping one on the concepts of Hinduism, its past glory and of the basic requirements, the idea is to prepare him to be an ideal citizen inheriting the values of Sanatana Dharma.
The archive will house the most authoritative books on Indian culture and civilisation, contribution of Hinduism to the social upliftment of Hindustan. Attempt will also be made to procure and preserve rare manuscripts including writings on palm leaves presently available with some of the ancient Hindu family. Artifacts of archeological importance will also be collected from across the country and preserved with adequate explanatory write up. .
A healthy mind and content soul dwells only in a healthy body.
Human life is full of activities. Each action knowingly or unknowingly brings tension, worries and turbulations. A sound mind is quintessence of happy life and the project offers natural surroundings in the midst of the Herbal Garden on the mountain slopes.
The mountain breeze scuttling through the medicinal herbs rejuvenates the mind and also the body; one is transcended to an entirely new experience after spending some time in the meditation centre.
It boosts up the mental energy and power and keeps one young, native and receptive .
Adequate assistance and amenities will be available at the centre.
KRISHNA LEELA(Amusement Park)
The Sreekrishna temple is surrounded by a running rivulet and the bridge over the cosmic water housing colourful fish would lead you to the children’s amusement park on either side. Sculptures by renowned artists visualising lord Krishna in his numerous play modes will surely give the children a patronising company. In fact, the children will be toying with the company of various sculptures depicting the Lord lifting Govardhan mountain by his hands, the child Krishna dancing on the hood of Kaliya, the slaying of Kamsa and annihilation of Baka the demon, giving moksha to Poothana etc, etc. The idea of exposing the children to these sculptures is to trigger their instincts of inquisitiveness and to familiarise them with the various episodes in the life of Bhagavan Sree Krishna and their moral importance.Thus they will be inclined to know more of Bhagavan Sree Krishna as bio graphed by Saint Veda Vyasa.
This is a living space for those who wish to spend the further life in the spiritual ambience secluded from the hustle and bustle of a crowded life.
The Tapovanam will have exclusive or sharing accommodation facilities besides family cottages in the traditional style of our culture and heritage. This will be located in a semic atmosphere surrounded by flower gardens and medicinal trees .
All the needs are taken care by the Tapovanam
The elderly as well as the children prefer to have the herbal medicinal preparations for the routine and minor ailments and it was hence considered necessary to have a herbal garden in the precincts .The Ayurveda has become the in think of the day.
We have identified 5 acres of land on the slopes of the mountains surrounding the tapovanam has been identified as most suitable for herbal gardening. The identified 5 acres area will be planted with herbs, shrubs and creepers. The medicinal trees will be planted in and around the entire complex particularly surrounding the tapovanam and gosala. They will also be used as shade trees in the campus. The wind that blows from the garden itself will have the healing power and rejuvenation effects. Plants proposed to be cultivated belong to the following category- Trees, Shrubs, Herbs, Roots, Creepers.
In India the cow is synonymous to Gomatha and an ever bountiful feeding Source of Milk of love for millions.
Cows and its progeny have been the basis of our rich heritage as well the resource base. The respect and regard that cows command in our society and culture are based on the invaluable and many faceted role played in the overall development of our society and culture has given the stature of God to the cow, and is synonymous with Amma. The name Kamadhenu was very aptly given to this wonderful animal , which is an icon of spirituality and a constant companion of Bhagavan Sree Krishna.
Cows have been the dearest companion in human life. The fabric of Indian life is interwoven with the cow. Our spirituality, healthcare, dharma, agriculture and economy are very much related to the cow. Cows are neglected and men prefer to send them to slaughterhouses now.
To instill awareness to protect, propagate, popularise and promote cows is the role that ISK has taken over on itself while coming out with a cow protection unit (Goshala) in its comprehensive master plan.
The proposed project is to come up in a sprawling 5 acre land with special provision made for fodder cultivation and other amenities. The idea behind the project is to re-establish the traditional Gokulam concept in the model Sreekrishna village with the unique Sreekrishna temple at its centre.
The herbal garden would be looked after by botanical and agricultural experts. They would also take care of the star trees and other vegetations in the compound. The herbal garden would also preserve the Nava Graha plants as a model to the public.
Depending on the time of birth, human beings are aligned to any one of the twenty seven stars. Each of these stars has got its own presiding celestial force governing the line of thinking, activity, skill etc. for the whole life period. An important role in human destiny is played by the star trees – each star is adorned with a particular species of flora called the star tree. Worshipping these star trees is believed to bring solace and happiness to one’s life. It also saves one from the past sins of ill treatment of Gurus, Parents and Elders, etc.
A spacious garden with the star trees is proposed in the project. One could sit under these trees and relax and traversing through the past purifying the soul.
A Museum showcasing items of archaeological interest, statues, sculptures are also planned in the campus. The children will also be provided with ultra modern facilities of a water theme park with all associated amusement facilities and other equipments.
When the children are thus enjoying the facilities provided to them their parents and other elders could usefully engage themselves by listening to religious discourses or fine art performances in the auditorium adjoining the premises. They could also visit the religious museum enjoying items of archaeological interest, attend to various cultural programs etc. Centres of Yoga and Kalaripayatt (Kerala martial art), different exhibitions on statues sculptures etc. would provide ample opportunity to the elders to engage themselves.
A martial arts training ground. In olden days, the Hindu families of the area formed groups for their own physical protection and advancement. Each of these groups had their own Kalari and Kavu, a grove for their deity. The Kalari become the centre of many activities. Not stopping at Payat, martial education, other more scholarly enterprises were included so that the end result was the improvement of both body and mind. Each Kalari was in the charge of a guru who played a very significant role in the community.
Behind the administrative block is the Sevak Bhavan where all the workers of the ISK report daily and take instructions and guidance on day to day activities. Here the concept of equality and mutual respect among the volunteers and workers is stressed and the message of unity and strength is reinforced every day. Facility of exchange of ideas and suggestions for improvement of the working of the projects will always be available. The hallmark of dedicated and voluntary service with the mantra “ Manavaseva Madhavaseva” will be the driving force of all the workers on His Almighty’s service.
Vocational training
The Sreekrishna Kendra provides facilities for imparting knowledge and skills for those who are working in the project area.
Entertainment and co-curricular activities go hand in hand in the life of young boys and girls. To promote cultural activities and competition in co-curricular fields, an auditorium with a seating capacity of 2000, fitted with all the modern gadgets including a 35mm projector to screen movies will be set up. This hall will become a hub of cultural activities.
An orphanage for destitute children belonging to under privileged section of the society, to help them and provide them with everything needed- food, clothing, shelter, education, healthcare and so on.
A Vasathigriham to provide accommodation members who visits the Kendra is also envisaged.
A centre engaged in the practice of Ayurveda, the science of life, mastered by ancient Indian saints will also be functioning in the Kendra. The Oushadhashaala pores the path for happiness by providing a healthy mind and body for those who seek it. The centre provides closeness and proximity to mother nature, which is essential for rejuvenation.
A well furnished canteen/dining hall serving vegetarian food with a seating capacity of about 200 people will also be located in the Kendra.
A model of Kerala Tharavaadu.
This is a centre for performing Arts and community gathering place. It provides space for artistic, social and cultural activities.
Cozy, Comfortable and spacious accommodation will be provided in the PRAVASI NIVAS where a well furnished hotel with 50 rooms and a few cottages will be built. This will enable visitors to spend a few days at the kendra and enjoy the scenic beauty of the nature in the calm and serene environment of the western ghats.
Beautifully maintained park for kids on one side near the Sreekrishna temple. It will be a centre of attraction for children to play around.
Market place where all necessary items are available
This building houses the offices of office-bearers as well as the administrative staff of the kendra.