New Delhi June 11, 2016:  RSS Akhil Bharatiya Prachar Pramukh Dr Manmohan Vaidya said that “Banning Govt employees to participate in RSS programs has already been proved unconstitutional by courts in multiple cases.”

Dr Manmohan Vaidya

The statement came as a clarification to few media reports on the issue of Govt employees joining RSS programs.

Dr Manmohan Vaidya said “Banning Govt employees to participate in RSS programs has already been proved unconstitutional by courts in multiple cases. RSS does not work through statepower or with the support of it. RSS works among the people, with the people and for the people. Banning RSS members to join govt service is unjust & undemocratic. Such bans hardly affect RSS work & morale of Swayamsevaks”.


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