​Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh

Kaliyugabda 5118, Durmukhi Samvatsara, Shravana Shuddha Poornima

18th August 2016, Thursday

Rakshabandhan Sandesh

Ours is the most ancient civilization having a history of many thousands of years. Our society had a flourishing culture at a time when civilized living of such kind was not prevalent in other parts of the world. Ours is the only civilization that declared thousands of years ago that the world is One Family. This unique and holistic culture and the related traditions bind us together despite our diversity in terms of caste, language and food habits. 

For the first time since Independence, a special respect and appreciation of Bharat is apparent in the world today. Leading countries of the world are enhancing the bilateral relations and ties with Bharat. Enthusiasm, vitality and confidence are seen in Bharatiyas all over.  A positive spirit is flowing in the veins of our Nation. Bharat is leaping ahead in social, spiritual, economic and technological fields.

On the other hand, the challenges posed to us are also significant. Islamic terrorism, harassment of honest officials by politicians, anti national activities taking place in universities etc., are of most serious concern. The ugly practice of ill-treating a section of our society has not stopped completely. Exploiting such situations, activities of proselytising are being conducted in slums and rural areas. Undesirable changes in lifestyle are giving rise to various health problems in our society.

The inherent strength of our nation is not weakened despite the conspiracy of anti-social forces. Time and again, great men have taken birth on this land to overcome the difficulties. Hundreds of great saints like Buddha, Basava, Shankara, Vivekananda and valiant kings like Vikramaditya, Rana Pratap, Krishnadevaraya, Shivaji have protected this nation. Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh has taken inspiration from this glorious lineage and is committed to carry forward their work. Over the past nine decades, Sangh is working towards reawakening the latent self esteem of our society and bringing about positive change by organising and serving the society.

125 years have passed since the birth of Dr. B R Ambedkar who fought against social discrimination and inequalities. On this occasion, we need to strive to eliminate these disparities and bring the people together. Today western culture is becoming hugely popular, leading to diminishing knowledge about our own traditions and culture. In this scenario it is important for our children to be educated in Hindu culture and simple and nature-friendly life style. Increasing the green cover to combat global warming, composting of the domestic wet waste, using cloth bags instead of plastic bags, rain water harvesting, using organic products etc., should be taken up in every house. Participation of students and youth in creating awareness about these activities, needs to be promoted.

On this auspicious occasion of Rakshabandhan, let us reflect upon these important topics as we tie the sacred Rakhi to our fellow citizens. Let us dedicate some part of our available time for social causes and resolve to help build a clean, beautiful and powerful Bharat.

|| Bharatmata Ki Jay ||

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