‘VRIDDH-MITRA’ Service for Senior Citizens Launched by Hindu Help Line On 5th Anniversary

New Delhi, March 5, 2016 Hindu Help Line, the 24 X 7 Emergency Service initiative by VHP, on its 5th Anniversary, launched special ‘VRIDDH-MITRA’ Service for Senior Citizens.

‘VRIDDH-MITRA’ Service for Senior Citizens Launched by Hindu Help Line On 5th Anniversary
‘VRIDDH-MITRA’ Service for Senior Citizens Launched by Hindu Help Line On 5th Anniversary

In the 5th Anniversary programme, Dr Pravin Togadia, the Founder of HHL (Hindu Help Line) said, “Hindu Help Line is an Emergency Service available at one call on 020-6689330 & 07588682181. Those in emergency can contact these numbers to get urgent help within 15-20 minutes depending on the type of emergency. HHL covers the emergencies like Medical, Travel, Legal, Administrative & Cultural; e.g. if you are traveling & your car breaks down, the HHL volunteers in that area will help you get your car in order or alternatively, make other arrangements; if there is a medical emergency, HHL will arrange medical help / blood etc. So far since HHL began over 2,00,000 calls have been received & with over 4000 HHL volunteers in most of the parts of Bharat, the emergency help rate has been over 98%.”

HHL 5th Anniv - Delhi - 5 March, 2016 - 1
Dr Togadia launched ‘VRIDDH-MITRA’ Service for senior citizens. He said, ”Today, due to nuclear families & various social aspects, the elderly are facing genuine problems that are not only loneliness, but also practical problems like day care, medical reports collection, utility bill payments, caring company for a daily walk & so on. HHL aims at filling in this gap. As a beginning, the HHL Volunteers in the area will spend at least 1 hour every 15 days with the elderly, call them on a regular basis, say, every 2-3 days etc. Soon, other systems will be set to support emergency help to the senior citizens as much as possible. With their experience, senior citizens can surely contribute to the betterment of the nation & HHL will facilitate those who wish to make their experience available for social services.”
HHL has helped people in various situations. Rajasthan Sirohi, a poor girl needed urgent surgery for a whole in her heart. HHL volunteers coordinated with the concerned authorities to ensure her BPL card & got her operated. She is healthy now! A trader from Assam was conned in Bharatpur when he was on a trip to buy goods. With his call, HHL volunteers contacted local police, helped him do his purchases smoothly & he went back happy. A manufacturer from South went to Chandigarh to buy a machine after advance payment. The supplier dodged him for days. Frustrated, the manufacturer called HHL. HHL got his stay arranged & also found the supplier; the buyer went back with his machine. On a Bihar highway, a family at night had nightmares when their car broke down. HHL volunteers realized that the repairs would take time. They arranged for a safe stay for the family, got the car repaired over night & at morning, the happy family travelled to their destination. (Names of the callers are kept secret to respect their privacy)
In the HHL 5th Anniversary programme at Delhi, present on the dais were Dr Pravin Togadia – International Working President of VHP & HHL Founder, CA Shri Ranjeet ji Natu – HHL National President, Shri Vijay Reddy – Adviser & Founder Member of HHL, Shri Brahmasingh ji Tanvar-Ex MLA, Shri Anilji Gehlot, Shri Vrajmohan ji Sethi, Shri Dinesh ji Agarwal & Shri Deepak ji.
Contact: Dr Pravin Togadia 098253 23406; drtogadia@gmail.com Contact: 24 Hrs National Call Center: 020-6689330 & 07588682181 www.facebook.com/HHL-Hindu-Help-Line/133768866764910 www.hinduhelpline.com

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