New Delhi, November 21, 2012: Ajmal Aamir Kasab, a convict of November 26, 2008 Jehadi attack on Mumbai has been hanged to death today morning. Giving credit of such an accurate &a
mp; speedy trial & punishment to Mumbai Police & especially to Advocate Ujjwal Nikam, Dr Pravin Togadia, International Working President of VHP said, “Hanging Kasab is a welcome beginning for war on terror that the Indian PM promises only on the foreign soils but back in Bharat, gets Hindus arrested & jailed. There is a long way to go in war against Jehadi Terror.

The attacker of Bharat’s Parliament Afzal Guru & other hundreds of Jehadis are living gleefully in Indian jails like parasites eating up Indian tax payers’ hard earned money. They not only are a burden on Bharat but more importantly, they also pose a great danger of the Kandahar like incident which endangers Bharat’s safety & security immensely.
Therefore, it is now essential that without any further delay in clearing Afzal Guru’s mercy petition, he should be hanged per the Hon. Supreme Court verdict & other Jehadis should be tried / hanged too. Mumbai blasts 1992 accused / convicts are still sitting in Indian jails & some are roaming free. Gujarat Sabarmati Train burning attack where Ram Bhakts were burnt alive, the main accused is ‘absconding’ yet & there are many such Jehadi attack cases. Union Govt & all state Govts should act on these cases faster & give justice to the victims & also save Bharat from Kandahar like tragedies.”
Dr Togadia further demanded that all the attacks on the police, Army & paramilitary forces in Jammu & Kashmir be treated as Jehadi attacks & the culprits be hanged immediately as over 30,000 Indian police, Army / paramilitary personnel have been killed in past 10 years only in that region alone. Dr Togadia demanded the same system for Assam & rest of North East & urged the Govt to treat the violence by the Bangla Deshi Muslim Infiltrators in North East as Jehadi attacks on Bharat.