water management, a global need
Bangalore: Bharatiya Janata Party of Karnataka’s Water Management Cell has organised a lecture program on “Drought Management and Water Conservation” on Saturday, 19 May 2012 at 5 p.m at Bangalore.
Venue: “Manthan”, 3rd Floor, State BJP Office, Jagannath Bhavan, near Kaadumallesha Temple, Malleswaram, Bangalore.

About the talk:
Progress of mankind has not only contributed to positive growth and development but also has created lot of problems. One of the serious problems created in recent years is with regard to water. Water is one thing which cannot be produced in laboratories and it is the duty and responsibility of each one of us to conserve water and prevent drought so that we save water for our next generation.
Talk on “Drought Management and Water Conservation” focuses on addressing the issues pertaining to water and its efficient management. Main highlight of this talk is to create awareness and also to get opinion of the expert in addressing the burning issue. The talk will help in understanding the various ways by which each one of us can contribute in managing water and what the government can do to address the issues from its end.
The speaker is a well known International Consultant in Agronomy and a Retired Professor from GKVK, Bengaluru. Dr. P Ramana Gowda, who is sharing his wide knowledge and expertise, is instrumental in identifying problems and giving solutions in areas of water management, climate change and other agriculture related activities. He has presented papers in many international and national seminars on various topics and subjects pertaining to issues in agriculture and water management. Dr Ramana Gowda has written may articles which are published in national and international journals. He is a member of many institutes and also associated with many international organizations. At the age of 68 years, his dream are big and he is keen to spend majority of his time by finding problems to various challenging issues.
For more details: call Amresh 9740796998 or Kaushik 9845010834