Bengaluru: Akhil Bharatiya Vanavasi Kalyan Ashram to organise  17th National Vanavasi Archery Competition at Vaghdevi Vilasa School, Varthuru, Bengaluru on 26, 27, 28  December, 2014


Vanavasi Kalyana Karanataka

An Appeal

Vanavasi or the tribes who have been living a harmonious life in remote forests and hills are  genetically  gifted with the mental and physical attributes most suitable for sports. They have the potential to win Olympic medals. It is high time we shift our  sports talent search and focus on natural talents of tribes to get fast results.

Vanavasi Kalyan Ashram is an all India organization working since 1952 for the empowerment and awakening of the potential power of tribes of our nation. It is running over 16,000 projects through out the country touching every aspect of Vanavasi life and sports is one of the projects. To spot, train and promote the talents in sports  it is running sports centers and sports meets in tribal areas through ought the nation. The first Vanavasi Sports Meet was conducted in Indore in the year 1987 and it was inaugurated by “ Flying Sikh” Sri Milka Singh.

  • All India Vanavasi Sports meet is conducted once in every four years for all sports events on Olympic Model. The previous national meet was held in Pune in 2011.
  • Every year a national level meet is held for a specific event like Kabaddi, Kho Kho, etc., and this year National Archery Competition will be held in Bengaluru
  • In addition, sports meets and sports training camps are held at village , taluka, district and state levels every year.


Some of the achievements of Vanavasi Athlets:

  • Limba Ram, a archer of international fame, who studied in Vanavasi Kalyan  Ashram school from Rajastan represented three Olympics. He equaled Archery World record in 1992 and was conferred with Padmashri award in 2012.
  • Kavita Raut a long distance runner from Maharashtra holds current national record for 10 km road running. She won the bronze medal in 10000 meter race at the2010 Commonwealth Games, the first individual track medal by an Indian woman athlete at the commonwealth Games. She also won the silver medal in 10,000 meters race at the 2010 Asian Games.
  • Ranchi Vanavasi Girls won 3rd place in the International Football championship(Junior)
  • Over 100 Vanavasi Athletes have been selected and are being trained by sports Authority of India.
  • Bare foot Athletes , a relay team from Thithimathi, a remote village in Kodagu won 2nd place in the prestigious Mid Night Marathon held  in Bengaluru in 2012.


Archery in Bharath

Bharath with out archery can not be imagined. Right from the  lives of legendary epic heros, Rama, Arjuna, Drona, Karna, Ekalavya, the great events like, Shiva coming out of his deep penance, “Seetha Svayamavara”, “ Draupadi  Swayamavara” ,  the victory of “Dharma “ over “Adharma” ,  to the tribals using it for their hunting and self-defence, the archery is an integral and inseparable part of our life, culture and ethos.

Our culturally rich tribes are the  real torch bearers of  this ancient martial art and Vanavasi Kalyana Karnataka is proud to host the 3 days All India Vanavasi  Achery Competion in December 2014 in Bengaluru. Over 350 people consisting of 200 Athletes from 28 states, officials, organizers and prominent personalities across the nation are going to participate in the event. Kindly visit this three day event and encourage the athletes.

First of its kind in Bengaluru:

It is really an unique  opportunity for us in Karnataka , especially for the citizens of  Bengaluru to witness  this National Archery competition; to meet, see and understand Vanavasi brethren across the nation, their  diverse culture, traditions, the faith and strength. Let us make this event a success, let the athletes from across the nation take home the message of brotherhood, unity in diversity. Bengalurians have been supporting the activities of Vanavasi Kalyana. You can partner with this unique event by sponsoring any of the requirements stated here:

Donations to Vanavasi Kalyana are exempted from tax u/s 80 G of the Income Tax Act 1961. The donations can be made through cheque or DD in favour of Vanavasi Kalyana

 R A Ranga Swamy          Honarary President                                                       

Mai Cha Jayadeva,       Managing Trustee


Akhila Bharatiya Vanavasi Kalyan Ashram

17th National Vanavasi Archery Competition – Bengaluru

Vanavasi Kalyana, Karnataka

“Vanasri” 1435/36, 2nd Cross, 5th A Main, D Block, 2nd Stage, Rajajinagar, Bengaluru – 560010

Ph. 080 23420844 Mobile: 94497 76782 ; 94492  64729; 94803 16629

email:  www.

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