Chennai: New Karyalaya building for nationalist organizations Seva Bharati, Vijayabharatham (nationalist weekly), Samskrita Bharati, Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) will be carrying out their welfare activities in the new building ‘SEVA’, was inaugurated on June 7th Sunday at Chennai.
Veteran RSS Pracharak Kru Suryanarayan Rao addressed the gathering. In his speech, he said that usually for any organization, place of work and other facilities are looked into first. But our nationalist organizations do seva karya first, establish themselves and then settle at one place. He thanked and blessed all the persons who put their effort in bringing this new building.
Shri Dinesh, (National Organizing Secretary, Samskrita Bharati), Shri Lakshmanan, Shri Subbaiah Ji (National Executive Member, ABVP), Shri Anand, Organising Secretary (South Zone) ABVP, Shri Sundaralakshmanan Ji (Akhil Bharatiya Sankatan Mantri), Shri Ramarajasekar Prant Seva Pramuk, Shri Veerabahu, Editor-Vijayabharatham, Shri Sambamurthy, Prant Karyavah, Shri P M Ravikumar, Prant Pracharak and other functionaries were present.