VHPVishwas Hindu Parishad (VHP) International Working President, Pravin Togadia adjusts a garland while taking part in the launch of the 'Hindu Ahead' Movement in Ahmedabad on March 31, 2013. Rashtriya Swayam Sewak (RSS) Chief, Mohan Ji Bhagwat inaugurated the 'Hindu Ahead' Movement in the presence of VHP International Working President, Pravin Togadia. 'Hindu Ahead' Movement was launched for the security and prosperity of the Hindus.

New Delhi July 22: Official Facebook pages pf leading Hindu organisation Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP)and its youth outfit Bajarangadal was launched today in New Delhi.

VHPVishwas Hindu Parishad (VHP) International Working President, Pravin Togadia adjusts a garland while taking part in the launch of the 'Hindu Ahead' Movement in Ahmedabad on March 31, 2013. Rashtriya Swayam Sewak (RSS) Chief, Mohan Ji Bhagwat inaugurated the 'Hindu Ahead' Movement in the presence of VHP International Working President, Pravin Togadia. 'Hindu Ahead' Movement was launched for the security and prosperity of the Hindus. AFP PHOTO / Sam PANTHAKY
VHP President, Dr Pravin Togadia adjusts a garland while taking part in the launch of the ‘Hindu Ahead’ Movement in Ahmedabad on March 31, 2013.  AFP PHOTO / Sam PANTHAKY

‘VHP-Bajarangadal Karyakarta’s, Swayamsevaks, Well wishers and Media are here by requested to follow the updates of VHP-Bajarangadal from these official pages’, said Dr Pravin Togadia, VHP chief.

The links of Official Pages are here:





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