29 April 2013 : Hundreds of farmers representatives along with all India and state level functionaries of Bharatiya Kisan Sangh assembled at Jantar Mantar today,29 Apr 13,for day long demonstration, demanding remunerative prices for agricultural produce and separate budget for agriculture. They are also demanding immediate implementation of five point charter of demand which may have put forth before Government of India and circulated to all the Members of Parliament including Prime Minister and Agriculture Minster. A Memorandum has been sent to President of India too.The gathering was addressed by National leaders of Bharatiya Kisan Sangh .
All India President of BKS, Anna Saheb Murukute, strongly attacked the anti-farmer policies of central government. The categorically held the apathetic attitude of the ruling establishment responsible for making agriculture unviable.
Anna Saheb told the assembled gathering that on the one hand agriculture sector is facing in investment crunch,on the other hand Government is encouraging corporate and MNCs and take up reins of agriculture in the name of bringing economic reforms to the farm sector.
All India General sec. of Bharaitya Kisan Sangh Shri.Prabhakar Kelkar dwelt on the plight of farmers in terms of lack of market access and non-rumenrative prices for agricultural commodities. Mr. Kelkar said that Govt’s anti farmer policies have not only compelled lakhs of farmers to shun agriculture but also forced thousands of them to commit suicide across the country.
Gathering of farmers was also addressed by National Vice president of BKS Shri.Tailuramji,National sec.Shri.Ambubhai, Patel and veteran leader from Gujarath Shri. Jeevan Bhai Patel.
Farmer leaders sent following five point to President,Prime Minister, Agriculture Minister and all members of Parliament.
- Govt should ensure not only remunerative prices for agriculture produces but also easy procurement
- Land acquisition Act should be farmers friendly and should ensure their proprietory rights even after acquisition.
- Seeds bill should be simplified and should ensure natural rights of farmers for seed preservation and exchange.
- There should be rational exim policy for agricultural produces.
- There should be separate budget for agriculture.