RashtraSevikaSamiti Bengaluru Celebrated VijayadashamiUtsav with Patha-Sanchalan (route-march with Ghosh) in all the 5 areas-bhags, namely Banashankari, Shankarapuram, Ulsoor, Jaynagar Malleswaram.
- About 1600sevikas , 960 in Ganavesh participated in the Pathasanchalan-Route march.
- It is been 77 years since RashtraSevikaSamiti- One of the largest Voluntary Organization for women came into being.
- First time in Bengaluru, a pathasanchalan was planned in all the 5 bhags to Celebrate VijadashamiUtsav, the Day The deemed Organizationwas founded in 1936, by VandaneeyaLakshmibaiKelkar (Mausiji) who felt strongly that “Sewa or Service is the primary duty of a woman. So far you have served the family, now you need to serve the Society”
- The Organization works to inculcate Patriotism in every woman and puts forth the following ideals: Maatrutva, Netrutva and Kartrutva.
- Our Country needs great mothers, great leaders, and enterprising women to serve the society.
- As Swami Vivekananda rightly says that “Our Society is a like a Bird and men and women are its wings. So for a society to fly towards progress both its wings need to be equally strong.”
- SmtKshamaBanavathy, a leading Advocate during her speech in Banashankari-Bhag said that Sita is and will be our ideal. While talking about the different variety of women who existed during Ramayana time and How Sita proved to be the most ideal woman through her Chastity.
SmtParimala Murthy, Bengaluru MahanagarSamparkaPramukh, who spoke in Ulsoor Bhag emphasized on the role and responsibility of women as mothers who further need to play the role of cultural ambassadors transferring our rich heritage to the coming generations.
Significance of Navaraatri:
- Goddess Durga, who killed demon Mahisha, is workshipped during the first 3 days of Navaratri. Durga represents the IchhaShakthi
- Worship of Mahalakshmi representing the KriyaShakthi during the next 3 days of Navarathri
- The last 3 days during Navaratri is dedicated to worship of Goddess Saraswati,(JnanaShakthi).
Some of the current challenges and issues of our country are
- Safety issues with Border and Safety issues with women.
- It is the responsibility of every citizen of this country to be aware and raise a voice.
- Being the change and Bringing the change is the need of the hour today.
Let us all work towards this mission of creating karyakartas,having a great vision – of building a vibrant Nation and needs action now.
Jaynagar Bhag: SmtSandhya, a Senior Sevika: Our personality is formed and shaped through this organization by attending regular shakha. Urged every sevika, to be regular for shakha and to follow the three ideals…. Highlighted how Mausiji worked to bring together so many people and the role of each one of us to bring in more people together and work for the Society and Nation.
Malleswaram Bhag: SmtRadhaRamaswamy A Senior Karyakarta emphasised on being brave and fearless urged everyone to follow the steps of Mausiji, who took a big leap in establishing such an organization – RashtraSevikaSamiti. VijadashamiUtsav marks the celebration of victory of the good over evil/bad.
Shankarapuram Bhag:SmtChandrika, a Senior Sevika: Also spoke on VijayadashamiUtsav, RashtraSevikaSamiti, and the three ideals : Jeejamaata for Matrutva, AhalyabaiHolkar for Kartrutva, and Jhansi Rani Lakshmibai for Netrutva.
-Report by Parimala Murthy