Bengaluru January 23, 2016: Nearly 800 young women participated Rashtra Sevika Samiti organised one day conclave “YUVATI SAMAVESH-2016”,  held at NMKRV College Auditorium, Jayanagar, Bengaluru.

Rashtra Sevika Samiti’s Praukh Sanchalika V Shanthakumari addresed the youth gathering on the occasion. Rashtra Sevika Samiti’s Bengaluru Mahanagar Karyavahika Udaya Bhat was present on the dais. A special lecture n ‘Tejomaya Bharat’ was given by Rekha Ramachandran to the youth gathered.

Rashtra Sevika Samiti(11)

Rashtra Sevika Samiti(3)

Samiti Yuvati Samavesh

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