Sarabjit Sing

Rashtreeya Swayamsevak Sangh,

Keshava Kunj, JhandeWalan, New Delhi:

PRESS RELEASE by Dr Manmohan Vaidya, Akhil Bharatiya Prachar Pramukh.

May, 02, 2013:

Sarabjit Sing
Sarabjit Sing

The Brutal and Barbarian attacks on Indian citizen Shri Sarabjeet Singh who was lodged in a Pakistani  jail proved fatal and led to his untimely death. This has saddened and angered people across India. The   attacks on Shri Sarabjeet by Pakistani hooligans was to avenge the hanging of Afzal Guru who was  hanged only when India’s Supreme Court awarded him with death sentence after finding him guilty.  On the contrary, there was no unanimity in Pakistan over either on the nature of offence or on the  quantum of sentence awarded to Shri Sarabjeet by the Pakistani courts. In this context brutal attacks on  an individual lodged in Pakistani jail raises a big question mark on political and judicial set up of  Pakistan.

In fact, the attacks have not happened on an individual named Sarabjeet Singh, rather it is an open assault on India’s Constitution and its Judicial set up.  Earlier on, Sarabjeet Singh had expressed concerns over his safety with the authorities in Pakistan.  Sarabjeet had apprised the Pakistani authorities about impending plans to attack him. Yet despite this the Pakistani authorities did little to provide any kind of security to him or to shift him to a safer location.  This in itself is a serious error on the part of Pakistani authorities.  The Indian government should take cognizance of this unfortunate incident and condemn the incident in no uncertain words. 

Today, the entire family of Shri Sarabjeet Singh is mourning his untimely death. Their anguish is  justified.

 Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) is with the family in their hour of profound grief. May the soul  of Shri Sarabjeet Singh rest in peace and may God God give strength to his family members.

Statement of Shri Manmohan Vaidya ji-Akhil Bhartiya Prachar Pramukh RSS


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