Report by Parimala Murthy
Bengaluru October 23, 2016: 1080 Sevikas in Ganvesh participated in the Route March held by Rashtra Sevika Samiti, Bengaluru today. More than 1600 people participated in the Vijayadashami Utsav.
This year’s Vijayadashami was special and unique as it’s been 80 years since the inception of Rashtra Sevika Samiti.
Smt Udaya Bhat- City Secretary, Rashtra Sevika Samiti, Bengaluru welcomed the gathering and introduced the Chief guest and other dignitaries on the dais.
Smt Meenakshi, from Puttur, – Public Relations Incharge for Karnataka South, gave the Main speech.
“The moment I’m seeing you all I recollect this shloka.. यत्र नार्यस्तु पूज्यन्ते रमन्ते तत्र देवता:
We have all come together here today to celebrate the Vijayadashami Utsav. This Vijayadashami is unique as it is been 80 years since the inception of Rashtra Sevika Samiti.
Vandaneeya Mausiji – Lakshmibai Kelkar started (founded) Rashtra Sevika Samiti in W ardha near Nagpur in 1936.
The word ‘sthree’ is not just a word. It symbolises or signifies the strength, sacrifice and power of a woman.
Draupadi and Sita are the exemplary women to be remembered for Self-esteem and forbearance.
It is everywoman’s duty to destroy the evil forces around. We are all the successors of great Queen like Jhansi Rani. We need to awaken the leader in us.
Jija bai raised and inspired Shivaji to build the Hindu Empire right from his early childhood and hence she is the icon of ideal motherhood. Similarly Bhuvaneshwari Devi inspired young Narendra by putting forth the leadership of SriKrishna the great Charioteer of Arjuna. Later Narendra becomes the great SwamiVivekananda who spread Hindutwa and Universal Humanity to the whole world.
This is how our Nation is protected and our Sainiks (the soldiers) have a major stake in protect our Nation. Manoj Kumar Pandey, a software engineer goes on to join the army and sacrifices his precious life in the Kargil war fighting against the terrorists. This param veer chakra awardee – should be our inspiration!
Today the patriotic fervour is very dormant in us. We need to awaken it.
Unfortunately Universities like J.N.U, are facilitating activities that are against our Nation. We need to be aware of such happenings and work towards Nation’s progress.
For a Beautiful society to evolve, it is the character development of individuals from families that contribute to Society / Nation’s prosperity.
The purpose of Rashtra Sevika Samiti is character building of women at individual levels.
Giving most to the society needs to be the goal of every sevika. We need not just survive but live a life of contribution to society. Our Society needs to be awakened. Hence this Route March by Rashtra Sevika Samiti. The Route march is an awakening call to the evil forces of the society. We are the embodiment of ‘Shakti’ the power in awakening the society”.
The Chief Guest was Dr. Rajalakshmi, Gynaecologist, and Founder of ‘Srishti life’.
Said.. “I’m very delighted seeing you all. This is such an august gathering.
We have forgotten the knowledge from Vedas and Puranas. The British destroyed our unique ‘Gurukula system’. The Gurukula Sytem of Education was our strength. The British ruled us by dividing us. Later, we won. How? The Gurukula System of Educated was imbibed in our brain. This is the Uniqueness of our Bharateeya Culture.
During Navaraatri, we worship the 9 forms of Devi. The present science tells us about the 9 parts that exist in Human brain. But I feel that the day win over the parts of our Brain is ‘Vijayadashami’! The greatness of our Brain is mention right from AtharvaVeda to Puranas.
It is now our duty and responsibility to not forget our rich culture and heritage. And today’s children are our future. Ensuring the protection of children can give rise to a protective and progressive society.”
Devi Ashtabhuja puja and Shastra (weapons) puja was performed by the Senior Leaders of Rashtra Sevika Samiti.
Smt Sumitra akka, delivered the vote of Thanks.
The program for followed by Route March around the Domluru area covering a distance of 2.5 kms around the major junctions.
ರಾಷ್ಟ್ರ ಸೇವಿಕಾ ಸಮಿತಿ, ಬೆ೦ಗಳೂರು. ವಿಜಯದಶಮಿ ಉತ್ಸವ ವರದಿ.