Sewa International Activity Report 2013-14
London July 2015: The movement “SEWA INTERNATIONAL” was started in 1991 in the UK by some philanthropists initially to help the earthquake victims of Latur, Maharashtra. Since then, the movement has spread out to USA, Canada, Australia and other European countries. It is also setting foot in some African countries like, Kenya and South Africa and a few Caribbean countries. Sewa International aims at not only arousing the curiosity of scores of voluntary organizations and volunteers to grasp the strength and weaknesses of the society better, but also preparing them for new challenges, making changes happen, promoting opportunities and improving the way people do things to make this world better.
Mission statement: “ Sewa International is a ‘not-for-profit’ organization inspired by the noble Hindu tradition of service before self; working for promoting voluntarism internationally especially among children, youth, women and energetic senior citizens; building an international network of not-for-profit organizations; promoting philanthropy from the grassroots level to corporate sector; providing relief to the affected during calamities, natural and or-man-made, and rehabilitating them; building capacity of the non-profit organizations towards achieving results, empowering communities and individuals through sustained support; funding committed, grassroots organizations that rely strongly on volunteer effort; supporting effort that promote cultural and moral value systems in the society; and aiming to see happiness and well-being in everyone, everywhere and at all times”.
Please find the pdf file of Activity Report :
click the above link.