Rashtrotthana Parishat
Sept 27, Bengaluru: Rashtrotthana Parishat’s working committee met today. RSS’ Sah-Sarkaryavah Sri Mukunda C R was a special invitee to the meeting. The President of the Parishat Nadoja S R Ramaswamy said that the work of Rashtrotthana Parishat is growing in a big way in various dimensions. A greater professional approach is the need of the hour to carry forward further more Parishat’s activities in future he opined. Expansion of the work being the prime reason, he also proposed Sri M P Kumar who has served actively in the past with Rashtrotthana Parishat and ABVP as the next President of the Parishat. Sri M P Kumar has been the pioneer in starting and leading the Global Edge software company to global heights. Sri A R Dwarakanath will be Rashtrotthana Parishat’s Vice President.

RSS Sah-Sarkaryavah Sri C R Mukunda in his address wishing Rashtrotthana Parishat the best guided the Parishat to undertake more activities related to education and Yoga which would help the society in a bigger way. Sri Mukunda also called for Parishat to work in the lines of Indianising Education. The need for English works related to Bharatiya thoughts is essential today and Rashtrotthana not only should publish some English works but should take up leadership in this endeavor he wished.
Rashtrotthana Parishat’s working committee is re constituted as below:
President: Sri M P Kumar, Renowned Industrialist
Vice President: Sri A R Dwarakanath, Retd Director, BHEL
General Secretary: Sri Na Dinesh Hegde, Social Worker
Treasurer: Sri Ganapati Hegde, Social Worker.
Parishat’s members would include
Sri Ashok Sonkar, Retd. Senior Superintendent of Post Offices
Sri K S Narayana, Social Worker
Sri B S Ravikumar, Social Worker
Smt Malini Bhaskar, Social worker
Sri Gajanan Londhe, Retd employee of Nokia Technologies
Special invitees would include:
Nadoja Sri S R Ramaswamy, Eminent writer
Sri A Gopalakrishna Nayak, Retd Employee, ITI
Sri Rajaram, Social Worker
Sri Basavanagowda, Social Worker