Techie, now a teacher of needy
BANGALORE: It all started one fine day, when Latha K R came across a group of kids while supervising the construction of her house in Poorna Prajna Layout. She saw the construction workers’ kids strolling around and playing all day long without indulging in anything constructive, and that’s when she decided to take over.
Latha founded an organisation, what she calls, a non-formal school for the children of construction workers.
“I saw these kids wasting time without doing anything constructive and some getting into bad habits as well. I wanted them to go to school and study, but I also knew that with limited resources and time available with their parents (construction workers), this would never be possible,” said Latha.

A software engineer by profession, Latha quit her job to look after her daughter and felt that this was the best way she could utilise her spare time. But the task was difficult. The 37-yearold housewife went doorto- door to convince the construction workers to send their children for classes, which were of course, free of cost.
The idea struck Latha, after she came across Youth For Seva, an NGO providing the youth meaningful opportunities to serve the community.
“I always wanted to serve the society and when I got a chance, I did not think twice. I also believe that education is very important and thus I started teaching these kids,” said Latha.
An initiative that was started with 15 students, now has as many as 35 students attending Latha’s three-hour long classes that she conducts six days a week.
“The classes are conducted at the Anjneya temple located in Poorna Prajna Layout, and children come to me every day for three hours to get their lessons,” said Latha.
Although she feels, that the going gets tough and disappointing when kids opt to drop out and never return. “Despite not leaving any stone unturned on my part, there are many, who are still reluctant to join the school. But out of 30- 35 construction workers’ families across the layout, over 25 of them send their children to me everyday,” said Latha.
The lady with the noble thought has went a step ahead and has also enrolled as many as 15 kids to the Utterahalli Government School and has plans to get all of them admitted soon.
“Even if their parents leave after some time, I will ensure that these kids stay back and finish their studies,” said Latha.
Hugely inspired by the message of Swami Vivekananda, Latha draws her inspiration from the great man himself. “Swami Vivekananda used to say that if children don’t come to schools, the schools should go to the children and that was what struck me when I thought of these children,” said Latha. For volunteering, visit www.youthforseva.org.
SOURCE: by Garima Prasher in IE. http://expressbuzz.com/cities/bangalore/techie-now-a-teacher-of-needy/302531.html