Jaunpur district of Uttar Pradesh: A total of 180 people belonging to 36 families of eight villages under Jaunpur district of Uttar Pradesh returned to their ancestors’ roots at a homecoming ceremony on March 17. The function was organised under the banner of Shravasti Naresh Rashtraveer Suheldev Dharma Raksha Samiti. Over 500 people from ten adjoining villages also attended the function.
Prior to the formal home-coming ceremony, a yajna was performed in which all the people offered ahutis. Village purohits Shri Raghvendra Mishra and Shri Ramashankar Mishra conducted the yajna. All the people who returned home had embraced Christianity following allurement offered by some Christian priests.
Community leaders Shri Sandip Yadav and Shri Sunil Kumar Singh said untouchability has no place in the Hindu society and after Independence it is a punishable offence. He said social harmony is the strength of the Hindu society and all the sects and communities should live together with complete harmony. Shri Pankaj Singh of Kahatriya Ekta Parishad and Shri Shivdayal Singh of Ghazipur expressed concern over the growing non-Hindu life style among the young generations. They appealed to the people to impart rich
samskars of Hinduism to their children. The homecoming ceremony concluded with the aarti of Bharatmata.
Source: Organiser
I am very glad to see that sort of thing that the people realize what they are and what is there real religion, according to me the people who born in India they are Hindu by birth but they become Muslim, Christian or other later on, when they are converted by other.
I want to see that type of action also in Kashmir where Hinduism is about to end.
I think hindu organisation should organise camp where religious gurus should come and sit with SC,ST people and eat food with them and give them message that there is no discrimination on the basis of caste system in hinduism…, more camp should be organise among the people of general community and teach them not to discriminate any one on their caste.., in this way we can stop many people from converting in to Christianity, because discrimination on the basis of castism is a drawback to the progress of hinduism and missionaries are taking advantage of it…
we feel so glad and proud when we see a foreigner become hindu ,we respect them so much but we don’t give same respect to our indian hindu who is from SC or ST or OBC.. why ?
I am very happy to know that Non Hindu’s are coming back to their own religion. Hats off to those who worked to bring them back to us. This movement should grow and spread all over thew world to bring peace and happiness in the world.
These people r coming back to their home(religion) means
we have to proud of those who worked to bring them back and they realised that in chritan community we seen so many discrimintaion r quarrel between der subcast.. they r also fighting for SAMANATE,
this is good move! people have to understand who r all want to convert to other religion becasue of money n etc..
save ur culture and ur country!!