ABVP Hunger Strike Poster
ABVP will organize Silent hunger-strike in all state head quarters to protest against/loot of common people by present central government through various scams. 24 hours hunger strike will be organized on 17-18 feb.2011. ABVP has decided to intensify it’s nation agitation against political corruption.
Through mass movement ABVP will try to expose threesome, i.e. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi, which is responsible for scams like Adarsh Society, CWG, 2G Spectrum and in appointment of tainted person on important post like CVC. Under this ABVP will have ” Silent ” hunger strike from 17th feb. afternoon to 18th feb afternoon in all state headquarters, of the country.
ABVP demands resignation of so-called ‘ Mr. Clean ‘ i.c. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on morality ground seems to be indifferent and helpless in corruption issue, supporting corrupt people and also for his irresponsible statements regarding on going corrution.
would you like to do your bit to change this ?
Youth is the Revolution – Youth is the Solution
Bharat Singh
Central Secretariat, ABVP