Dr Manmohan Vaidya addressing at Valedictory

Patna Dec 30: Akhila Bharatiya Adhivakta Parishat, an RSS inspired forum of lawyers and legal experts; hold its 3-day annual National meet at Patna of Bihar from December 27 to 29th.

Dr Manmohan Vaidya, RSS Akhil Bharatiya Prachar Pramukh, who is also mentor of Adhivakta Parishad, addressed during the valedictory. Dr Vaidya called for an improved system in justice delivery and said ‘Justice for all’ is the need of the hour.

State level office bearers of Adhivakta Parishat across Bharat; select legal experts of the nation attended this 3-day meet.

Dr Manmohan Vaidya addressing at Valedictory
Dr Manmohan Vaidya addressing at Valedictory

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