Protest to ban KFD- BY Bajarangadal Bangalore
Bajarangadal Bangalore unit has staged a huge protest demending an earliest ban on extremist organisation Karnataka Forum for Dignity, KFD, at the premises of Town Hall, Bangalore.

Addressing the activists Surya Narayana Rao, State Conveneor of Bajarangadal said “The Fundamentalist organisation Karnataka Forum for Dignity (KFD) is involved in anti-national activities. To prove this, Karnataka police has arrested 6 members of KFD in connection with murder 2 students, Sudhindra and Vighnesh of Mysore-Hunasoor . Bajarangadal Karnataka is condemning this brutal murder by KFD in strongest words. Bajarangadal Karnataka also specially applauds the efforts of Karnataka police to trace the criminals and to bringing out the truth of this murder of Hindu youths.”
“KFD has its roots at different parts of the state and has a direct connection with terror activities. KFD along with its sister organisations like Popular Front of India (PFI), NDF etc has a direct role in communal violence occurred in Karnataka in recent years. Anti-national activities like making fake currency, Love-Jihad, Kidnapping Hindu girls, murder plans of Hindu leaders, Cattle slaughtering, gathering of weapons etc are being done extensively by members of KFD. Various investigations has proved all these facts.” said Surya Narayana Rao.
“KFD, the very organisation which imbues spreading of communal violence and which disturbs social integrity should be banned immediately. We urge that all economical sources for KFD should be examined and a legal action need to be taken soon.” Rao added.
Skilled orator Chakravarti Soolibele expressed his concerns over the growing anti-national activities in the state, also demanded a ban on KFD. Hundreds of Bajarangadal activists participated in this protest programme.