Sarabjit Sing

Sarabjit Sing
Sarabjit Sing

Delhi, May 2, 2013: Announcing Nation Wide democratic agitation TODAY with demonstrations at dist, tehsil centers, villages, towns & cities, VHP International Working President Dr Pravin Togadia condemned Pakistan for brutally murdering Sarabjit Singh in jail.

Dr Togadia said, “20 yrs Sarabjit Singh languished in Pak jail. There are thousands of such Sarabjits in Pak jails for many yrs. We have been demanding exact details of these Hindustanis in Pak jails, their names, places & their condition in Pak now, but no Govt is giving it to us. Before Sarabjit, many such cases happened but due to Bharat’s weak policies, Pak has become bold now. With Chinese military support now Pak has started daring not only the Indian Govt but also the Hindustanis! No more. Hindustanis will NOT tolerate Pak’s mischief anymore.”

Dr Togadia demanded:

  1. Indian Govt should cancel ALL Visas given to Pakistanis immediately on any grounds – Trade, Medical, Educational, Work, Sports or Art / Cinema / Music etc.
  2. Hindustanis should stop all relations with Pakistanis. Traders should stop trade, doctors should demand the Govt not to give visas to Pakistanis, Cinema / Sports / Music / Fashion industries should stop giving any work to Pakistanis any more.
  3. Govt of India should insist on sending the National Human Rights Commission along with the team of Indian Doctors, Senior Judge, Senior police officer, UNHRC representative & a family member of Sarabjit Singh to Pakistan to investigate the attack on Sarabjit, to examine his medical papers for authenticity of the line of treatment & his Post Mortem report too.
  4. Hindustanis at borders should not allow any trucks / buses from Pak to enter Bharat.
  5. Govt should at least now sever all ties with Pakistan – Trade, Travel & Diplomatic.
  6. Govt should close Indian Embassy in Pakistan & demand that UN declares Pakistan a Terror State immediately & also to demand globally that Pakistan should be put on top in the list of Human Rights violations.
  7. Trucks of vegetables, fruits, grain, medicines should not be allowed to enter POK as the Kashmir separatists have not condemned Sarabjit’s murder by Pak but have condemned Afzal’s hanging!

Dr Togadia appealed to all Hindustanis in Bharat & abroad to participate in TODAY’S Nation Wide agitation democratically & peacefully. The representatives of the Hindustanis led by VHP, Bajrang Dal, Durga Vaahini will give memorandum to the local Admin demanding Govt to cut all ties with Pak & handing over of all Pakistani culprits to Bharat including those attacked Sarabjit as well as those in the list of Jehadis hiding in Pak. Dr Togadia also demanded that Sarabjit be given Paramveer Chakra & his family members should be helped with facilities in studies for his daughters & jobs for them. His wife & sister be given a house & compensation.


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