RSS Sahasarakaryavah Dattatreya Hosabale addressing
New Delhi November 22: On the second day of the 3-day ‘World Hindu Congress’ conclave; conferences held on Organisational, media, women and other issues.
RSS Saha-sarakaryavah Dattatreya Hosabale addressed Hindu Organisational Conference along with other eminent speakers including Prof Balagangadhara of Bengaluru.
In Womens conference, Dr Geeta Ramanujam of Bengaluru, Smt Sandhya Pai of Manipal addressed the gathering.
RSS Sarasanghachalak Mohan Bhagwat, VHP leaders Ashok Singhal, Dr Pravin Togadia were present during the occasion.

हिन्दू समाज को वैश्विक मंच प्रदान करने हेतु विश्व हिन्दू महासम्मेलन में विचार मंथन
नई दिल्ली. विश्व हिन्दू महासम्मेलन अशोक होटल के विभिन्न सभागारों में 22 नवम्बर को 5 सम्मेलन अलग-अलग विषयों पर आयोजित हुए. तीन दिन चलने वाले इन कार्यक्रमों का आज दूसरा दिन था, जो आज पूर्वनिर्धानित समय पर सुबह साढ़े नौ बजे प्रारम्भ हुए. विश्व हिन्दू आर्थिक मंच के सम्मेलन में विश्व स्तर पर हिन्दू अर्थव्यवस्था एकजुट करने के विषय पर युनाइटेड किंगडम के उद्योगपति तथा सम्मेलन के अध्यक्ष श्री नतपुरी ने हिन्दू उद्योगपतियों को संबोधित किया, उनके साथ, लंदन चैम्बर आफ कामर्स एण्ड इंडस्ट्रीज के अध्यक्ष श्री सुभाश ठक्कर बताया कि हिन्दू द्वारा जो सारे विश्व में व्यापार है उसको मजबूत करना चाहिये जिससे हम हिन्दुओं आर्थिक स्थिति सुदृढ़ हो सके. यूएसआईएनपीएसी यूएसए के अध्यक्ष श्री संजय पुरी ने हिन्दुओं के व्यापार में व्यापारिक इन्फोमेशन का आदान प्रदान कैसे हो इसकी जानकारी दी. ऑप्शन टाउन यूएसए के संस्थापक एवं अध्यक्ष श्री सचिन गोयल ने कहा कि टैक्नोलोजी के द्वारा कीमतों को किस ढंग से घटाया जा सकता है. इसी प्रकार अनेक देशों से जैसे सूरीनाम, गुयाना, साउथ अफ्रीका आदि देशों के प्रतिनिधियों ने भी अपनी बातें रखीं.
हिन्दू एजूकेशन सम्मेलन में उच्च शिक्षा संस्थानों में पाठ्यक्रम नवीनीकरण के विषय पर बोलते हए सम्मेलन के अध्यक्ष एवं हिन्दी विश्वविद्यालय वर्धा के चांसलर श्री कपिल कपूर ने कहा कि हम किस प्रकार हिन्दू मुल्यों के आधार पर शिक्षा का नीवनीकरण कर सकते हैं. इस सत्र में एनआईएमएस जयपुर के चांसलर प्रोफेसर बलबीर तोमर, पूर्ण विद्या फांउडेशन कोयम्बटूर से स्वामिनी परमानन्दा, जवाहर लाल नेहरू विश्वविद्यालय से प्रोफेसर रजनीश मिश्रा, जीवा इंस्टीट्यूट फरीदाबाद के सह संस्थापक श्री स्टीफन रूडोल्फ ने भी अपने अपने विषय पर विचार रखे.
नेटवर्क से गुणवत्ता और दक्षता बढ़ाने के विषय पर अगले सत्र में अंतर्राष्ट्रीय एस्ट्रोनौटिक्स सोसायटी के चेयरमैन और अध्यक्ष तथा इसरो के पूर्व अध्यक्ष श्री जी माधवन नायर ने अपने विचार रखे.
हिन्दू एजुकेशनल कांफ्रेंस के सत्र में डॉक्टर कृष्ण गोपाल जी की अध्यक्षता में देश विदेश के प्रमुख शिक्षाविदों ने हिन्दू शिक्षा पद्धति पर अपने विचार रखे.
हिन्दू मीडिया काँफ्रेंस के एक अन्य सम्मेलन में श्री सुशील पंडित जी ने सोशल मीडिया पर अपने विचार रखे.
मीडिया में व्यवसाय और सहयोग से अवसरों को बढ़ाने पर मीडिया इंस्टीट्यूट भारत के मुख्य कार्यकारी अधिकारी श्री अमिताभ दत्ता ने मीडिया उद्योग से जुड़े व्यवसायियों को संबोधित किया. इस सत्र में तमिल पत्र दिनामलार के एसोसियेट संपादक श्री आर.आर गोपालजी ने प्रिंट मीडिया में वित्त से जुड़ी समस्याओं पर प्रकाश डाला. श्रीकांत खांडेकर ने मीडिया बिजनेस के भविश्य पर अपने विचार रखे. लोकमत ग्रुप न्यूजपेपर के श्री ज्वलंत स्वरूप ने मीडिया के वैश्विक उपभोक्ताओं के विषय पर चर्चा की.
सामाजिक और राजनीतिक नेतृत्व में महिलाओं की सहभागिता विषय पर राष्ट्र सेविका समिति की प्रमुख संचालिका आदरणीय वी. शांताआका ने सत्र की अध्यक्षता करते हुए महिलाओं सहभागिता का महत्व बताया. इस सत्र में केन्द्रीय मानव संसाधन मंत्री श्रीमती स्मृति ईरानी एवं वाणिज्य और उद्योग राज्यमंत्री डॉक्टर निर्मला सीथारमन ने भी अपने विचार रखे.
विश्व हिन्दू कांग्रेस के अंर्तगत होटल अशोक तथा होटल सम्राट में आयोजित सम्मेलनों में राश्ट्रीय स्वयंसेवक संघ के परमपूज्य सरसंघचालक डॉ. मोहन भागवत जी, सरकार्यवाह श्री सुरेश (भय्याजी) जोशी, सहसरकार्यवाह डॉ. कृष्ण गोपाल जी, सहसरकार्यवाह श्री दत्ता जी होसबाले जी, विश्व हिन्दू परिषद् के डॉ. प्रवीण तोगडि़या, विहिप के श्री चंपत राय जी का सान्निध्य सभी को प्राप्त हुआ.
Hindu Media Conference:
The aim of the Hindu Media Forum is to keep world informed through honest reporting as well as unbiased analysis of events taking place around the globe. To accomplish this goal, HMF will mobilise elements in the traditional as well as the emerging forms of media to come together on one platform.
The Hindu Media Conference will be conducted by the Hindu Media Forum. The theme of the conference will be “Establishing a robust Hindu presence in all forms of the media”. The Conference will specifically focus on devising strategies for the expansion of the presence of Hindus in the existing media as well as the emerging new media. Delegates at the Conference will also deliberate on strategies to encourage Hindus to enter the fields of journalism, filmmaking, publishing, and other professions that are connected with the media. The Hindu Media Conference intends to bring not only journalists and other media personalities together, but also the stakeholders, executives, and important office holders of prominent media institutions along with government and bureaucratic officials connected with the dissemination of information so that they can also provide guidance and direction in charting a new course.
The conference will focus on the role of the print media, primarily in the form of newspapers, newsmagazines, scholarly journals, etc. that cover issues that affect Hindus. The conference will explore ways to establish the voice of the Hindu community in these publications. This will involve actively encouraging Hindus to undergo formal education in the fields of writing, journalism, publishing, etc. at already established colleges and universities as well as create institutions that can impart proper training in these fields. The Conference, while focusing on existing publications, will especially focus on dramatically increasing the number of print publications that cover the issues concerning Hindus as well as providing proper analysis of developments concerning the Hindu community.
The Conference will host a series of deliberations on the role of the electronic media in reporting the developments of Hindu society. Special attention will be devoted to the medium of Television. Television news channels, broadcasting in all languages, have a decisive impact on the public discourse due to its ability to instantaneously report developments that affect Hindus. The Conference will devise strategies in sensitizing Hindus to enter the fields of broadcast journalism, media related technology, and other pursuits concerning broadcasting. In addition to television news reporting, the conference will concentrate on strategies increasing the number televisions programs offering a specialized and more focused perspective of the news, such as in depth television interview programs, programs concerning the discussion and analysis of news events, and eventually the creation of fully fledged television channels that are devoted to broadcasting of policy discussions, in depth coverage of the political process, and a greater focus on developments concerning Hindus beyond the short snippets presented in news programs. The Conference will also focus on encouraging the art of documentary filmmaking, which will focus on issues affecting Hindus similar, which can inform the entire world of historical or contemporaneous events and at the same time instill a sense of pride and confidence in Hindu society.
The Conference will have a particular focus on strengthening the presence of the Hindu society on the alternate forms of media, including the internet, radio, and other emerging forms of media. The internet has since its inception been rapidly emerging as the most prominent means of disseminating information, particularly in developed countries. In developing countries as well, the internet has also been playing an increased role in bringing together dissident and disparate voices, as well as providing access to large amounts of information in very little time. In short, the internet has become part of the popular culture, and will rapidly become the primary source of information. It is vital for Hindus to entrench their presence on this vital medium. The conference will focus on bringing together the many individual elements within the Hindu community who have established themselves on the internet and are disseminating information about the Hindu community to share their experience and acquired expertise in this medium with the younger generation of Hindu activists.
Hindu Organizational Conference:
The aim of the Hindu Organisations, Temples, & Associations Forum (HOTA Forum) is to bring Hindu mandirs (temples), organisations, associations, groups, and sampradayas, who are working for the Hindu resurgence on one common platform. Additionally HOTA Forum will empower Hindu organisations by the providing networking resources and other forms of assistance as well as instilling a sense of pride and common purpose among all associated Hindu groups.
There are many different forces within Hindu society working actively for the Hindu resurgence and renaissance in the form of mandirs (temples), organisations, institutions, associations, and Hindu sampradayas. While numerous different groups working for the Hindu resurgence has been generally accepted among the Hindu society and even celebrated in some quarters as a sign of the strength of the Hindu Dharma based upon its inherent diversity, there also has been a historical downside to this development mainly due to the chronic disorganisation of the Hindu society. One reason for this disorganisation has been due to Hindus working disjointedly, which has led to Hindus not providing assistance to their fellow Hindus in their hour of need. Additionally, disparate Hindu organisations, while doing vital work for the Hindu cause, have rarely shared news of their activities with their fellow Hindus or their counterparts who are also attempting to make Hindu society stronger and better. This failure to disseminate information combined with the lack of coordination between various Hindu groups has hurt the Hindu resurgence more than helping it.
These numerous groups are striving to make Hindu society better as well as stronger, but are working for the Hindu community in their own individual capacities and usually work separately from each other. This separate manner of working has led indirectly to a lack of unity and organisation amongst the Hindu community, which ultimately has been detrimental to the overall interests of Hindu society. While various Hindu groups may wish to work separately due to various reasons, it is important that at the very least all groups working for the Hindu resurgence are kept informed about the activities of their fellow Hindus. This will allow for a more efficient division of labor, the pooling of and the greater efficient use of resources, which will bring Hindus sharing a common to work together in a particular activity. If Hindu groups could learn to work together or at the very least work in a more coordinated manner, the Hindu resurgence would greatly benefit from the efficient division of labor and the judicious use of resources that arise from this effort.
The aim of the Hindu Women Forum is to providing encouragement, support for the development of leadership qualities within Hindu women so that they can assume leadership positions in the Hindu resurgence and renaissance. The mission of HWF is to restore a focus on Hindu issues around the world by building a supportive Hindu Sisterhood that will be rooted in the transformation of the heart of Hindu culture and civilisation for the global Hindu resurgence and renaissance.
Hindu Educational Conference:
The aim of the Hindu Education Board is to ensure that all members of society receive a quality education. Additionally, the Hindu education Board’s mission is to encourage the creation of top level educational institutions for all members of society, regardless of their social and economic status and for people of all age groups.
The Hindu Educational Conference will be conducted by the Hindu Education Board. The theme of the conference is that “Education will be instrumental for the Hindu reawakening and revival” The entire world is rapidly moving towards becoming a knowledge based society and economy. It is imperative that Hindu society adapt to this changing global scenario. In order to prepare Hindu society to meet the challenge of education for the twenty-first century and beyond, the Conference will bring together the top experts and experienced officials in the field of education who can pool their expertise and experience to develop strategies to providing a quality, well rounded education to all members of Hindu society.
In order to accomplish this objective, the Conference will first focus on developing strategies to develop quality and reputed educational institutions by bringing together college and university presidents, directors, and officials who have experience in building and running Higher institutions of educational excellence. The establishment of professional, higher universities and colleges that can provide a solid education in all fields of study will receive special focus during the Conference due to the rapidly increasing number of high school and college age Hindus. In addition, strategies for the development of quality schools for all age groups will be deliberated upon by the delegates, so that Hindu children as well as teenagers will have a solid education before entering the higher levels of education. A further emphasis will be placed upon the notion newly built educational institutions are not confined to a particular area, but instead are built in all geographic areas, so that Hindus, regardless of their social and economic status, will have access to a quality education provided by these institutions.
Another focus of the conference will be to improve the quality of education in existing schools, colleges, and universities. To achieve this, the Conference will bring together educators, who will focus on plans to develop a detailed course of study and curricula that incorporates a Hindu point of view that can be used in all places of learning. In addition, the conference will focus on strategies to develop to quality textbooks in all subject areas, which incorporate the Hindu point of view. Finally, in a bid to improve the existing education procedures, the Conference will focus on in sensitizing members of the Hindu society to enter the noble profession of teaching and specialization in all areas.
The conference will also focus on devising plans to establish and endow educational departments, chairs dealing with critical issues of direct concern to Hindus, so that Hindus will be able to develop scholarship on issues affecting the entire Hindu society. The Conference will bring together experienced Hindu students and youth leaders to devise strategies to give priority to establish Hindu students organisations on all universities and colleges where Hindus are present, so that Hindu students are able to maintain dharmic traditions and customs when they leave home as well as providing a voice for Hindu students at the highest levels of academia.
Finally the conference will bring together Hindu Professors to develop a plan to organise and mobilise all Hindu professors, teachers, and faculty both on a local level as well as throughout the world, so that Hindu interests can be defended and propagated in academic circles combined with encouraging scholarship on the many issues, ranging from science and technological issues to those in the humanities, that confront Hindu society. Along with building an educational frame work, these strategies will provide Hindus with the abilities to overcome the trials and tribulations that face Hindu civilisation in a sophisticated, articulate, and effective manner.

In addition, WHDF will strive for established and experienced members of the political process to encourage aspiring young Hindus and fellow citizens to become active members of the political process in their local countries as well as share with them their experience and expertise. More importantly, mentoring and guidance will be provided through various means to young Hindus to work their fellow citizens to strengthen democracies in countries where they reside.
Historically politics has played and for the foreseeable future will play a decisive role in societal discourse. Therefore it is vital that the political process be transparent and accessible so that everyone, irrespective of their individual identity, can participate. Combined with a rich tradition of Hindus around the world playing a robust role in the political and democratic process in the countries in which they reside, the global Hindu community can play a constructive role with their fellow citizens to build a better world for present and future generations through the political process. It is also noteworthy to point out that members of Hindu societies around the world have ascended to the highest positions in many fields such as art and music, politics, academics, science and technology, business, commerce, and industry. The Republic of Mauritius has a rich history of its local Hindu populations making numerous contributions to its social, political, and economic fabric.The world is currently dominated by an economic and political model which is based on greed and exploitation is not sustainable and will lead to adverse consequences in an increasingly interconnected and interdependent world. The recent economic meltdown and crisis has shown the inherent faults and weaknesses of the present model of economy. Additionally, this model has adversely affected the environment (most visibly seen in climate change) and potentially has put at jeopardy the very sustainability of the global population. Considering this situation, a Hindu world view can be part of a new model to provide an alternative that will lead to economic sustainability and minimise and contain environmental degradation. An example of how Hindu traditions can play a positive role can be seen in a maxim found in the ancient Hindu text of the Atharveda (with similar variations found in many disparate ancient traditions) which says that the “ Mata Bhumi Putro Aham Prithivya, meaning – Earth is our mother and we are her children”. WHDF will actively encourage application of this principle in the political and democratic process, and the conference will deliberate on strategies to place emphasis on protection of the environment and preserving it for future generations.Another instance of the present economic and social model failing the world population can be seen in the social breakdown and the deterioration of the traditional family, which is also destabilising the very foundation of global society. In this instance as well, a Hindu perspective can positively remedy this situation and improve the prospects for the entire world population. A prominent Hindu maxim “ Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam , means -The World is One Family” which when applied in societal and political discourse promotes peace ,equal respect ,coexistence, and family values in the world. WHPC will specially focus on the application of this and like minded principles in the democratic and political process and to encourage political figures to play a positive role in strengthening the family.WHPC will provide a global platform for distinguished Heads of State, Premiers and Governors, Ministers and Parliamentarians, Legislators and Diplomats, and those presently involved in the political process to assemble and deliberate on issues of political, economical, and social importance affecting the world. WHPC will provide a forum for these accomplished figures to deliberate on strategies to promote democracy around the globe as well as to strengthen the democratic process on a local level. Additionally, this Conference will provide a forum for detailed deliberations by eminent Hindu political figures as well as aspiring Hindu politicians from around the world to develop strategies to tackle the burning and pressing issues confronting the world. Finally, WHPC will concentrate on increasing participation in the political process by promoting political activism amongst the younger generations around the world by promoting the involvement of youth in civic and non-governmental organizations, and like minded groups.A critical component of the WHPC will be to deliberate on strategies to engage with different international and multi-lateral institutions. One method of accomplishing this objective will involve WHPC developing a mechanism to support and endow academic initiatives that integrate a Hindu worldview with other perspectives particularly in the field of Political Science and related fields of study in colleges and universities around the world to study and analyze the issues affecting the global society. WHPC will also encourage greater participation in international organizations such as the UN, WTO, EU, ASEAN, APEC etc. as well as promote principles found in Hindu traditions that are relevant to be applied in the actions and outlook of these organizations.
Hindu Economic Conference:
he primary purpose of the Hindu Economic Conference is to provide a framework for Hindus to be in the forefront of Shaping the World Economy along with making Hindu Society Prosperous.
The global Hindu population is more than a billion strong, consisting of approximately one sixth of the world population. Economically, however, Hindu society comprises barely three to four percent of the world economy, although individual Hindus throughout the world have earned vast sums of money and created extensive business empires. This represents a big decline of the economic influence of Hindu society in the world economy. For the past thousands of years, the Hindu society has sustained itself due to the previous efforts of prior generations of Hindus in creating a great surplus of wealth. From the first century CE onwards, economic historians have surmised that Hindu civilisation produced 35% of the World’s GDP, thus making it the number one economic power in the world. From the fifteenth to the mid-eighteenth century, Hindu civilisation slipped to the ranking of second place, after China, although Hindu civilisation contributed 25% of the world’s GDP at that time.
During the colonial period, Hindu civilisations lost all of the means of production, trade, commerce, which led to the complete destruction of the economic prowess of Hindu civilisation. As a result, Hindu civilisation became steadily poor, illiterate, and downtrodden. Hindu society regularly started to confront severe famine, numerous droughts, and previously unknown deadly diseases. The self respect which Hindu society possessed was completely diminished as a result, which further led to greater attacks from forces inimical to Hindu civilisation. After the partition of the Hindus’ historic and spiritual homeland, Hindus lost many prosperous areas and economic nerve centers, leading to further weakening of the financial position of Hindu society.
The overall lack of economic prowess within the Hindu community combined with the non-existence of Hindu economic institutions that can consolidate Hindus on a common economic platform as well as effectively advocate the interests of Hindu society in the economic and business spheres will impose severe limitations upon the overall progress of Hindu society. The world economy has greatly changed since the 1960’s, with a greater emphasis on the creation of more open economic marketplace as well as transformations brought by rapid technological advances that have led to the greater interconnectivity of the world economy. Individual Hindus have been able to take advantage of the situation, by taking and becoming the heads of many major corporations throughout the world as well as have created vast business empires. This impressive performance of Hindus on an individual basis has not translated to Hindu society on the whole becoming prosperous and in particular equipping Hindu society with the resources necessary to both progress as well as defend itself from the threats that confront them.
Hindu Youth Conference
Our mission is to actively involve Hindu Youth into playing a vital role in the Hindu Resurgence and Renaissance. HSYN will tap the boundless energy, creativity, and ideas of Hindu Youth and fully harness their potential to work for the resurgence of Hindu society on a global basis.
The future generation of Hindu society in the form of young professionals, college students, teenagers and the common people endowed with wisdom and vast empirical talent and knowledge has been attempting to work for the Hindu renaissance in their own individual capacities around the world. Currently there is a severe shortage of Hindu youth in established Hindu organisations throughout the world, especially in meaningful and important positions of responsibility and leadership. It is vital to reverse this alarming trend, which is already harming Hindu society’s ability to progress and repulse the challenges that confront it. Therefore, a global platform to bring all Hindu students and youth organisations is genuinely needed for Hindu youth from various corners of the earth to come together, so that such groups and like minded Hindu Youth from those groups can properly and effectively network with each other. HSYN aims to provide a network for all Hindu Students and Youth organisations that are currently active in their countries to share their experiences and provide encouragement to each other. In addition, HSYN will provide for experienced individuals in the field of Hindu Students and Youth Activities to share their experiences in these endeavors with current as well as aspiring individuals who desire to mobilise Hindu Youth into the movement. Doing so will effect a more satisfying and lasting outcome resulting from the work done by Hindu activists so that Hindu youth will be further encouraged to work for the Hindu resurgence in the future as well.
The rejuvenation and revitalization of Hindu Dharma throughout the world rests predominantly on the shoulders of the new and future generations of Hindus. The next generation of Hindus will assume the leadership of the Hindu resurgence. Increasingly, Hindu youth have not been given due importance and their wide ranging talents have not been properly utilized in existing Hindu organisations. As a result, Hindu youth have been increasingly left out of the Hindu movement throughout the world. To arrest this alarming decline of the lack of participation by Hindu youth in the existing Hindu organisational arrangement, the Hindu Youth Conference will be a core feature of the World Hindu Congress.
Hindu youth, is the primary life force as well as the core strength of Hindu society. Hindu youth are also the most treasured part of the Hindu resurgence, since they represent the future. The youth is the most motivated to challenge the status quo as well as to change it. One question that may arise is why this emphasis on the youth of Hindu society? It is the young that is the first stands against tyranny, injustice, suppression, and exploitation and declares that he or she will change the situation. The careful analyses of the major movements that have led to rejuvenation of Hindu society overwhelmingly lead to the conclusion that the bulk of the activity in those movements have been done by Hindu youth. Frankly speaking, the burden and responsibilities of leading and shaping the modern Hindu resurgence must pass to the youth of Hindu society. The Conference will devise strategies to prepare Hindu Youth to meet these responsibilities in a straight forward and effective manner.
A specific emphasis of the Hindu Youth Conference will be on the mobilization of Hindu students and professionals. The primary reason for this emphasis rests on a series of factors. The first reason is that the educated professional will be in the best position to professionally articulate solutions to the problems that confront Hindu society, which is critical in an increasingly information dominated world. The educated Hindu will also have far greater access to resources necessary to advocate effectively on behalf of the Hindu Resurgence, particularly for resources that come in the form of financial, governmental, or academic. They also will also be in forefront of the development and spread of new ideas and policies that will place Hindu Society on the path of progress. The very essence and definition of the Hindu identity as well as the place of Hindu society in the world will be largely determined by its professionally educated youth. In this matter of harnessing the inherent energy and creativity of the youth, Hindu society has a very big advantage since over half a billion Hindus are between the ages of 15 to 35. In addition, another quarter billion are below the age of 15. This emerging demographic will be in an ideal position to push through changes of vital importance to Hindu society. It is important that this emerging and dynamic demographic be in the forefront of infusing a newer, fresher approach, both on an external as well as internal basis that can be employed to aid the Hindu resurgence. The youth of Hindu society will be in the best position to accomplish this task through assuming responsibilities of publicly presenting and advocating the Hindu perspective. Hindu Youth can publicly provide a new face and voice to the Hindu renaissance along with its ability to generate new ideas and harness emerging technologies. The matter of informing both Hindus as well as non-Hindus about the issues and problems that confront Hindus as well as the need to resolve any threats that confront Hindu society can best be done by Hindu youth, particularly its professional and educated classes.
Starting from remote villages and small towns all the way to the big metropolises of the world, the Hindu Youth will lead the growing Hindu resurgence movement. The world is becoming increasingly interconnected primarily because of the rapid advances made in the field of information technology. Even people in areas previously deemed to be unreachable, are now able to make their voices heard. Hindu Youth in all areas will be in the forefront of informing their fellow Hindus around the world of the developments affecting Hindus that are taking place in the areas in which they live in addition to leading the Hindu resurgence on a local level. This sharing of information will be critical in building a solid network where Hindu Youth can communicate with each other. The Hindu Youth has always shown a deep desire to work for the Hindu resurgence not only in the areas in which they live, but increasingly to work for the Hindu resurgence on a national or even on a global scale as well. The increasing interconnectivity of the world will make this task much easier. It is imperative that this desire to work for the Hindu resurgence on a level beyond the confines of one’s immediate surroundings be harnessed and properly utilized. Therefore, the Conference will have a specific focus on devising strategies so that Hindu Youth around the world are connected and have the ability to disseminate information about a wide variety matters on a real time basis, with the goal of providing a global perspective. The main aim of the Conference will be to provide opportunities for the youth of Hindu society and Hindu Students and Youth organisations to build effective networks with each other so that they can effectively coordinate with each other strategies and information to better work in the areas where they are active. In addition, the conference will provide opportunities for the Hindu leaders of tomorrow to pool their resources so that these resources will be used in the most judicious and efficient manner. The consolidation of resources of Hindu youth in various parts of the world will allow for vital national and global initiatives of Hindus to be accomplished, as well as assist Hindu youth on a local level accomplish their goals. Finally the conference after consolidating the gains of the conference, will then translate them into action.