Bengaluru: The speech of 1893 by Swami Vivekananda in America opened the eyes of the West about Vedanta’s expansive thought. Hinduism is even more relevant in an interconnected world because it is universalist in its thought. A broad tent that can accommodate all faiths says Sriram Devatha, a story teller and a visiting faculty at Chanakya University was speaking at an online lecture program organized by Samartha Bharata on the occasion of the 11th year of ‘Be Good Do Good’ campaign.
Speaking further, he noted, Back then, before becoming a British Colony, India was contributing more than 30% to world’s economy. India had skilled artisans, had made great strides in various fields such as textile, astrology etc. But in 1893 colonisation, we were economically and politically subjugated. And with this background, Swami Vivekananda visited US to deliver his speech at Chicago. His first words at the event erupted the audience in to joy because, America was way ahead in material progress. Chewing Gum, refrigeration and Ferris wheels were on display at Chicago which impressed Swami Vivekananda and hence he learnt the art of drawing the best of India and blending with the modernity of the West. He emphasised on the need for progress, development like the west and at the same believed in India’s reslinace and spiritual journey, said Sriram Devatha.
Answering to a question asked by a Facebook reader he said, “Today’s youth needs to look at the education holistically, they should not think of quantum mechanics in isolation from philosophy, understanding interlinkages between Advaitha Philosophy with particles like Bosons can trigger a newer theory. This will be key to stand out in a global competitive workforce.

He further suggested the youth of this country to upskill and relearn. More importantly ‘Learn to learn’.
Internal resilience is key to India’s success story and today’s youth should be geared up to improve their lives and by extension the vitality of India.