Bangalore Jan 20: Noted RSS inspired seva organisation Keshava Seva Samiti (KSS) of Bangalore organized a unique program “BALA SANGAMA 2014” in K.R.Puram on 18th & 19th (Saturday & Sunday).Program Was inaugurated By journalist HR Ranganath, Chairman & MD, Public TV on 18th Saturday,and valedictory function addressed by Smt.Kalpaja Director Vydehi Institute of Medical Sciences & Research Centre and Sri R.Ravichandran Chairman & MD Nandana Group of Hotels.
Keshava seva Samithi is a charitable trust started over a decade ago, to educate and empower children of the poorest sections of society who predominantly live in “SLUMS”. A group of passionate & dedicated volunteers are driving this organization and working
tirelessly towards integrating more children into the main stream of society. Close to 150 slums & over 9000 children below the age of 14 are direct beneficiaries of the variousprograms and activities KSS is implementing across Bangalore city.