Basavanagar, Bangalore July 12: Activists from several like minded organisations joined and staged a massive protest near Basavanagar of Marattahalli in Bangalore on Friday evening against the recent attack on Cow conservationists in Muslim dominated Islampur.

The protest was lead by local unit of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), along with several pro-Hindu outfits, Animal Welfare Associations and NGO’s working on anti-cow slaughter cause.

Leaders of these organisations like Veeresh from Hindu Jagaran Vedike, Vajrababu from Vishwa Hindu Parishat, Uttam Chand from Animal Welfare Association (Prani Daya Sangh), D Keshavamurthy, Vijay Kumar Reddy of VHP, Joshine Anthony from Gow-Gyan Foundation are among those who addressed the protest gathering.

RSS functionaries KS Shridhar, Dr Jayaprakash, Karunakar Rai, Ramaswamy, Dr Giridhar Upadhayaya, Na Nagaraj, BJP’s Aravind Limbavali, Nandeesh Reddy and others  were present on the occasion

Here is a pictorial narration of the protest held:


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2 thoughts on “Massive Protest held in Bangalore condemning attack on Cow Protectors at Muslim dense Islampur

  1. This is the Welcome step by Sanathana Dharmi’s. Bhishma when lying on bed on arrows in Mahabharata says to Dharmaraja “One should protect cow”. We all must commit protecting cows else there lies a threat to Sanathana Dharma. Kindly form a forum for protection of cows and please hold such rallies as regularly as possible across Bangalore and across Karnataka. We have to spread the message of protecting Kamadhenu & Basavanna.

  2. I was there at that time.
    initially the number of police men were greater than the number of our karyakarthas.
    Later on i was glad to see the woken hindu power.
    vande matharam
    bharath matha ki jai

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