Dr CNR Rao
by Shivaramakrishnan, Bangalore
Bharat Ratna Prof CNR Rao:
We must all be proud of Sri Chintamani Nagesa Ramachandra Rao for receiving the Bharat Ratna, awarded by the Indian Government. At 89, at the end of a long and a celebrated career in which he has demonstrated remarkable skills and virtuosity as a research scientist.
Sri CNR Rao was an expert on semi conductors and super conductivity. He also played an important role in re- invigorating the Indian Institute of Science. Thus Dr. CNR Rao’s award deserves unprecedented celebrations. It is a very proud moment for the people of Karnataka to see their beloved son receiving the Bharat Ranta which is the highest honor that is conveyed to an individual from the Indian Government.

INS Vikramaditya:
The INS Vikramaditya promises to change the Balance of Power in the Indian Ocean. This 45,000 tonne behemoth with its formidable air group will be able to exercise sea control over a 3 dimensional bubble of 400 mile radius. Any hostile ship, air craft or a submarine that enters this zone of INS Vikramaditya’s control will be at its peril. The ship has the capacity of projecting power over a hostile shore using the MIG 29k to deliver kinetic strikes with guns, rockets and stand off missiles.
The Indian Navy with an experienced Naval Air Crew will be deploying the INS Vikaramaditya with Conscience and Panache.