Essay Competition Poster
New Delhi July 2: Jammu-Kashmir Study Center, New Delhi and Mewar University are jointly organizing a National Level Essay Competition for Law Students; The topics for the essay are as follows:

1) Genesis and nature of Article 370 of the Constitution of India.
2) Process of constitutional integration of Jammu & Kashmir.
3) Implications of Article 370 of the Constitution of India.
4) J&K and United Nations Organization.
First prize of Rs. 11,000/- (Rupees Eleven thousand only) will be awarded in each topic along with the certificate. 25 most well researched essays will get a prize worth Rs. 2,100/- (Rupees Two thousand and one hundred only) each across all topics put together.
Please participate if you are a law student and also urge your fellow law students to participate in the same. Also please forward this information to any law students you know.
For further details of eligibility, format of submission, prize details and others please visit: https://www.facebook.com/JammuKashmirNow
Contact: 08277025046, 09731264009