Citizenship Amendment Act 2019 – Moral and Constitutional obligation of Bharat
Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal of the RSS heartily congratulates the Parliament of Bharat and Union government for passing the Citizenship Amendment Act 2019 with a view to resolve the complexities and simplify the process of granting citizenship of Bharat to Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains, Parsis and Christians who came to Bharat due to religious persecution in the neighbouring Islamic states of Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan.
It should always be remembered that the Bharatiya society traditionally living in those regions have significantly contributed towards preservation and nourishment of Bharatiya culture and also to freedom struggle. It, therefore, becomes the moral and constitutional obligation of the Bharatiya society and government of Bharat to protect the interests of these persecuted minorities. In the last seventy years, discussions were held in the parliament many times for these brethren and several provisions were made by successive governments from time to time. But due to procedural complexities, large numbers of people were deprived of their right to citizenship till today and continued to live in an environment of uncertainty and fear. As a result of the present amendment such people will live a life of dignity.