Mohan Bhagwat at Himachal Pradesh

Bilaspur (Himachal Pradesh), December 14 (PTI):
Claiming that FDI in retail sector would “facilitate” flow of money from India to foreign countries, Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh today said the move would lead local retail business to collapse.
“FDI in retail sector would only facilitate flow of Indian money to foreign countries and the local retail business would collapse,” RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat said at a rally of the outfit’s volunteers here. Bhagwat also expressed concern over rising prices, corruption and devaluation of rupee and cautioned against threat to security from China and Pakistan.
“The country is facing threat from Pakistan in the west and from China in the northern border, the economic situation is very grim, rupee is sliding and a strong law to combat corruption is eluding people due to allegations and counter- allegations being levelled by the political parties,” he said. He accused the UPA government and leadership of failing to solve problems of the country.
Hitting out at the UPA for proposing the Communal Violence Bill, Bhagwat said, “Under the provisions of the Bill, Hindus would be made the targets and required to prove that they are innocent.” The Bill was being proposed to garner Muslim votes, he said.
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