Rashtreeya Swayamsevak Sangh, Karnataka

Keshava Krupa Shankarapuram, Bengaluru-560004


Manmatha Samvatsara

Shravana Poornima, August 29, 2015

Dear Brother/Sister

Heartily best wishes of Rakshabandhan festival

Let this auspicious occasion enhance the spirit of divine fraternity in us. Let this remind us our duty and responsibility towards making our mother Bharatmata most revered in the world.

In the annual Sangh Shiksha Varg organized in the month of April-May 812 Karyakarta got trained in Karnataka Dakshin.

Currently in 1948 places of our pranth 3100 shaakha, 456 weekly Milan and 534 sangha mandali are running. In Bengaluru 107 milans are running for the IT fraternity.

The training of 30 Vistaraks newly joined after 2014-15 Sangha Shiksha Varg got concluded in Bagalkote. More than 2000 svayamsevaks of Bagalkote city have participated in the valedictory function of this varg, needs a special mention.

In week long Prathamika Shiksha Varg organized at Jilla level during last Dasara vacation season 5555 svayamsevaks participated creating a new record.

It was heartening and inspiring to hear Shree Suryanarayan Rao speaking about life of Late Shree Yadavarao Joshi on the day of his birth centenary (5/9/14) Anantha Chaturdashi day. Shree Yadavarao Joshi was groomed in close association of Doctorji; he built the Sangh activity in Karnataka, guided thousands of loyal sangh workers and gave direction for Sangh work to grow in various dimensions in Karnataka; Shree Suryanarayan Rao himself was groomed in close associated of Shree Yadavarao Joshi.

For the youth who aspire to contribute something for the society and Nation, and to understand Sangh work a two day workshop ‘Samarth Bharata’ was organized at Palace Ground in Bengaluru on August 23-24. Sessions for Sevabasti acitivities, Balasamskara centers, Gramavikasa, Self help groups, Organic Farming, Educational Projects, Water Conservation, Cow Protection, Environment Protection, Cleanliness, Vanavasi Kalyana etc… around 48 topics were organized giving an opportunity to understand and participate in the activities which are interesting to them. As a result 77 youth have come forward to dedicate one year of their time for social cause.

In Karnataka Dakshina in 2807 places of 209 Taluks out of 219, altogether 7482 various seva activities are currently running.

Around 6300 swayamsevaks participated in the Employee Swayamsevak/Karyakarta Bauddhik Varga organized in last November month, addressed by Pa Pu Sarasanghachalak, and as a result many svayamsevaks have become active.

Pa Pu Sarasanghachalak’s interaction with residents and children of Sevabasti in Bengaluru was an unforgettable experience for them.

The 17th Vanavasi Archery competition was successfully organized by Vanavasi Kalyana Ashram at Vagdevi Vilasa School premises in Varthuru, Bengaluru on 26-28 December 2014. Altogether 231 archery sportsperson from 22 pranths of country participated in the event and it is feather in the cap of Vanavasi Kalyan Ashram to make such big participation which entered the Golden Book of World Records. All the participants were inspired and praised the efforts made toward rejuvenation of old archery skills.

The birth centenary of Naga Queen Padmabhushana Gaidinliu who despite being born in difficult and impassable forest, fought against the British for independence of our Nation and against the conversion, was celebrated throughout the country.

Around 500 swamiji, saadhu- santh- saadhvi participated in ‘Santh Sammelan’ organized in Tumakauru Siddhaganga Matt of Pujya Shree Shree Shivakumara Swamiji, as part of Golden Jubilee celebration of Vishwa Hindu Parishat. Speeches by swamijis and key note address by Pa Pu Sarasanghachalak  were educative and provided insights about social issues and towards finding solution to them.

Around 300 delegates from 50 countries representing 73 old traditions of the world in 5th tri-annual International Conference and Gathering of Elders held in Nadamantapa of Shree Ganapati Sacchidananda Swamiji’s Ashram in Mysuru- the cultural city of Karnataka. The conference was organized on 1st to 4th of February by International Centre for Cultural Studies, an RSS inspired organization with the theme “Universal Wellbeing”. The inaugural address of Pujya Shree Ganapati Sacchidananda Swamiji and keynote address by Pujya Sarasanghachalak and the other activities inspired all the participants.

The International Yoga day celebration on 21 June 2015 is still fresh in everyone’s mind; millions of people participated in large number of places in many countries of the world and remembering Bharat for contribution to the world wellbeing.

1819 persons including 534 women from 673 villages of 15 districts participated workshop for Gramavikasa activists held for three days on June 12 to 14 in Prashanti Kuteera of Jigani Bengaluru. All felt the need for Gramotthana – progress of villages and got inspiration for this cause.

Our Swayamsevaks participated in large numbers in Svaccha Bharata Abhiyana activities, flood relief of Kashmir, earth quake relief in Nepal and many other calamity situations.

Senior sangh pracharak Shree Sitaram Kedilaya has started Bharat Parikrama Yatra – a walkathon on 9/8/2012 Janmashtami, with the intention to spread the message of ‘Upliftment of Villages for better future of Bharata’ among the populace. The Bharata Parikrama Yatra started from Kanyakumari and passed through villages of Kerala to Kashmir in north and then to Arunachal in east. Walking 10-15 KM every day stay in a village, planting a sapling, visiting religious places and seniors of the village, interaction with villagers, youth, children, public function etc are part of the itinerary of this journey. In three years after walking 18000KMs the yatra entered Bengal.

Many brothers/sisters who migrated to other countries for educational, employment and for various other reasons are participating in Hindu organizational activities in their respective places of residence. We believe you are also taking part in such activities.

Kindly provide you name, address, phone number e-mail ID for easy contact to vv13Bangalore@gmail.com. Please visit www.samvada.org for information about sangh and various related activities. Also share the noteworthy matters at your place.

All other things are fine, our best wishes to friends there. We look forward for your e-mail response for receiving the Raakhi and special things at your place.


Ka Sha Nagabhushan

Vishwa Vibhag/Vanavasi Kalyan , Kealurushavakrupa, Bengaluru 56004

(094482 84625 , ksnbhushana@gmail.com)





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