The only way to realize ‘SujalamSuphalam’ is going ‘Organic’
April 10th, Theerthahalli: Excessive usage of chemicals is turning the lands poisonous. To revive such lands, ‘Go Raksha’, safeguarding the cow is indispensable said JayaramPatidara, a progressive farmer from Madhya Pradesh.
- RSS General Secretary Suresh Bhaiyyaji Joshi facilitated Madhya Pradesh’s Organic Farmer Jayaram Patidar at Theerthahalli, Karnataka on April-10-2013.
Accepting the ‘PurushottamaSanman’, an award instituted by the agriculture research foundation of Kuruvalli inthe name of the sage of farmingShri.PurushottamaRai,, he said that we should grow all food products needed in our daily life using the organic farming methods and thus aim to become self-reliant.
“Many who meet me ask what the aim of my life is. I have not got an answer to his till date. But it is clear that I have found peace through hard work and rendering service to the cow. Since I started serving the cow and practicing organic farming from the last 5 years, neither me nor any of my family members have been to a hospital or run errands to the bank”, he explained.
He further said that through multiple usage of products based on cattle produce and ‘panchagavya’(cowpathy), one can become self-reliant in maintaining the ‘go shala’ and rearing of cattle. “I have proven and demonstrated this in the Shri Krishna Balarama Goshala which is in my native city of Chakaroda”, he told.
Giving his blessing on the occasion, VishveshwaraTheertha Swamiji of Pejawar Math said that the cow should have been our national animal. He opined that by making the Tiger our national animal, violent attitudeis increasing in people.
Environmental campaign started in those days when BhagwanShri Krishna defeated the serpent Kalinga in the Yamuna River. Today the Kalinga has been replaced by factories. The condition today is such that people have to be told not to use river water as it has become poisonous, he said.
Speaking on the occasion after presenting the awards to the achievers in organic farming , General Secretary of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh Suresh Joshi said that the 5-years plans that were implemented without knowing the true spirit of Bharat is the reason for the sad
state of our villages today.He further stated that on the occasion of the ‘Green Revolution’ completing 50 years, it is the right time to review the pros and cons of the five years plans.
We tried to bring about a green revolution by excessive use of Hybrid breeds and use of chemicals but in the process lost many original ideas of our indigenous farming techniques. Farmers have become desperate today due to the directionless agricultural policies. Many insects that supplemented farming were lost due to the use of insecticides. Due to this the government is now trying to enforce plans for deployment on insects, he rued.
He opined that to bring back the farmers who have lost direction to the right path, there has to be an increase in organic farmers like Jayaram and PurushottamRai.
Chairman of the Agriculture Research Foundation Subbarao and trustees A.S.Anand and V.K.Arunkumar were present on the occasion.
JayaramaPatidar, who was felicitated on the occasion, and his family were brought onto the stage in a decorated bullock cart. The procession started at the GayatriMandir, passed through Kuvempu circle andreached the SuvarnaSahakaraBhavan.