Atmeeya Bandhoo

 As you are well aware of, Samskrita Bharatiis a non-profit NGO which was founded with the sole purpose of reviving the ancient language, Sanskrit. A group of volunteers began a movement in 1981, to teach laymen to converse in Samskrit through a10 days camp. The participants would gain an elementary knowledge of Spoken Samskrit in just 20 hours. Samskrita Bharati has been spearheading this Speak Samskrit Movement for the last 32 years.

Today this movement has flowered into an International Organization operating in 14 countries and touching the lives of millions worldwide. There are 110 full time volunteers who have pledged their life for the cause and thousands of such dedicated volunteers since the inception have served the movement. A strong team of 70000 Samskrit trainers has been developed who work in more than 2400 centres across the country. Samskrit is now the fastest growing language in the world, with more than 80 Lakh Indians having participated in about 1,26,000 Spoken Samskrit Camps organized free of cost so far by Samskrita Bharati. Samskrit serves as the thread which binds together the entire nation transcending the barriers of caste,regions  languages.

Aksharam, the International centre of Samskrita Bharati  at the heart of Bangalore, provides the infrastructure to support various activities. Conversational Samskrit Camps, Correspondence courses, Geeta Shikshana Kendram, Balakendram, Teachers Training Camps, Sambhashan Sandesha Magazine, Samskrit Wikipedia Content Development, Book Publications, Evening and Weekend Classes, are just a few of various activities that dwell at Aksharam.

Enter Aksharam and you would be pleasantly surprised to hear everyone speaking and transacting all activities in the Devabhasha – Samskrit. A dedicated space like Aksharam helps minds come together and achieve much higher goals in this temple of learning.

Contact: aksharam.sb@gmail.com

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