Bengaluru December 09: Hindu Seva Pratishtan, an RSS inspired NGO for social activities for the upliftment of poor and underpreviledged, organised SEVA DIN on Monday (December 08) evening.

The Seva Din was organised to commomerate the Punyatithi of Sri Ajith Kumar, who founded Hindu Seva Pratishtan in 1980. Ajith Kumar, the then serving Pranth Pracharak of RSS, died in an car accident on December 08, 1990. In his memory, Hindu Seva Pratishtan is organising Seva Din on Dec 8 annually.


Noted Cardiologist Dr Vijayalakshmi Balekundri inaugurated the ‘Seva Din’.

In his key note address, RSS Pranth Pracharak CR Mukunda remembered the legacy and contributions of late Ajith Kumar. Mukunda also stressed the need of Seva in present social circumstances.

Mukunda said that ‘seva’ broadens our horizons and recalled how Shri.Ajith Kumar used to always say that we should provide children ‘sight’ not site. He concluded his address by saying that he hoped that everyone present at the event would get inspired by the work of Ajith Kumar Ji and get involved in Seva activities.

Following Mukunda’s address, 3 new titles of the ‘Namma Mane’ series of books brught out by Hindu Seva Pratishtana. Smt.Vijaylaksmi Balekundri and other guests launched the books

Dr Vijaylakshmi Balekundri address to the gathering. She said that we light lamps just as we have lighted here on the dais but never ponder on why we light these lamps. It is not just for driving away darkness but it is also to contain our ego. Similarly Seva also enables us to forgo or ego and reach the almighty himself, she said.

Smt. Vijaylakshmi narrated several example from her own life to stress upon the fact that each one of those present on the occasion is capable of doing Seva. Similar to the way we try to gather gold, gems/ratna, we also need to gather as much ‘gyanaratna’ in our life she said. This is because we can do without usual ratnas/gems but without ‘gyanaratna’ one will be rendered useless to the society.  Knowledge is what we all need in life. It is search for gyan that enables one to achieve higher in life, she said.

She concluded her address by stressing the point that we should aim for knowledge and also participate in save activities.

Industrialist N Raghavendra Rao was the chief guest on the occasion. Suresh, Director of Hindu Seva Pratishtan,  senior RSS functionaries Sridhar Sagar, Chandrashekar Bhandary and others attended the event.

Later, the Girl students of Nivedita Nele performed their maiden ‘Yakshagana’ show.  ( Nele; means Shelter,  a project of Hindu Seva Pratisthana was started way back in August 2000 to provide residential car to destitute children. So far, 10 centres have been established 6 in Bangalore and others in Mysore, Tumkur, Shimoga and Bagalkote. Over 260 boys and girls have found caring homes in these centers). DSC_0810 DSC_0852 DSC_0906 DSC_1034 DSC_1140


1 thought on “‘SEVA DIN’ organised by Hindu Seva Pratishtan remembering legacy of its founder Ajit Kumar

  1. It was mesmerising programe.
    The NELE is sucessful in its mission of bringing out inherent talent of these childtren.
    Commendable job by the TEAM NELE.

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