New Delhi. April 15, 2014. The procession of Shri Ram-Hanuman Jayanti was arranged with great zeal under the guidance of Indraprastha Vishva Hindu Parishad by Hindu Parva Samanvaya Samitee and other religious, cultural, social & educational institutions of Delhi. More than hundred Jhankis(tabloids) & Bhajan Mandalis were decorated by devotees. Jhanki of Bhagwan Shri Ram & Hanuman showing crushing the demons was worth seen. Office bearers of the different institutions were seen with saffron turban (Bhagva shafa) in an open jeep preceeded by the Shri Hanuman Dhwaja (flag) and followed by well decorated 21 horses and 51 odd Bajarang Dal youths riding on bikes with band parties playing Sri Ram Dhun, singing and dancing.
Flagging off the yatra, the International secretary general (organization)-VHP shri Dinesh Chandra said that the sixteenth Lok Sabha will serve the nation like Hanuman ji who solves every typical problem of the society. We expect that the sixteenth Lok sabha will protect & promote our cultural & religious heritage and solve every internal & external problem of the country.
Today’s combined yatra for Ram-Hanuman Jayanti, will paw the way for Ram Rajya in Bharat, said Dr. Surendra Jain, the national secretary-VHP, speaking as main speaker of the program.
The ex President of VHP shri Vishnu Hari Dalmia, vice president shri Om Prakash Singhal, chairman of the Hindu Parwa Samanwaya Samitee Swami Raghwanand ji, chairman Sanatan Dharm Pratinidhi Sabha shri Manohar Lal Kumar and orther saints and dignatories ignited Lamps to inaugurate the procession.
The President of Indraprastha Vishwa Hindu Parishad Shri Swadesh Pal Gupta, General secretary shri Ram Krishna Srivastav, General secretary of Hindu Parva Smanvay samitee shri Rampal Singh Yadav, general secretary of Delhi Sant Mahamandal Mahant Mahant Naval Kishore das, & state convenor of Bajrang Dal shri Shiv Kumar long with number of Saints, sages and representatives of various organisations have threw light on the incarnation of Bhagwan Shri Ram & Pawan Putra Hanuman.
Yatra started at 4.30 p.m. from Ram Leela Maidan and ended at Gangeshwar Dham Karol Bagh by 9Pm. Thousands of People gathered at various places such as Asfali Road, Dariya ganj, town hall, M.M. Road etc to welcome the Yatra.