We are in the modern era where the world is running behind technological advancements. We are following a lifestyle influenced by modernization. But, even today, several sections of society face injustice. Injustice based on caste, religion, gender, economy, etc is still prevalent. To fight against social injustice and to create awareness among the people, 20th February is observed as “World day of Social Justice”.

On 26th November 2007, the General Assembly declared February 20 as the world day of Social Justice.
Poverty and inequality are directly proportional to each other! Poor people tend to experience more injustice due to fear and lack of knowledge. Many people are deprived of their rights. The social status of some sections is very poor. People experience inequality in employment too. Poverty and inequalities are on the rise in many parts of the world. The economic and social crises of recent years have been increased by the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic and natural disasters including climate change. These impacts have widened the gap between rural and urban, rich and poor, upper class and lower class etc. To promote social justice in a positive way, the theme for this year is given as “Overcoming Barriers and Unleashing Opportunities for Social Justice”.
It is our social responsibility to ensure social justice for all people. Creating awareness among the privileged to consider the unprivileged too as pillars of society is very important. In this regard, February 20 emerged as an important day. Let’s join our hands together in preventing social injustice. Social justice should be served to all the people irrespective of caste, creed, religion and economic conditions. Every people deserves social respect and everyone must enjoy social justice.