Bangalore: In a unique initiative of promoting and preserving Hindu Values among Hindu families, ‘Parivar Prabodhan’, a premier NGO’s Karnataka Unit has organised a day-long conference “Kutumba Chintana Yaatre’ on March 31st, 2013.
Interested families can participate, a prior registration is compulsory.
(Details are given below, an abstract of a request letter for the participants.)
Shrimati/Shri _______________________
As newlyweds, it is every couple’s dream to lead a meaningful life and bring honor to the both households. Being successors to the traditions and lineage of our ancestors, newlyweds have the responsibility to hand-over the
Man is a ‘social being’ by nature and he/she cannot live a life of recluse continuously. It is an absolute necessity and imperative that he/she has to live in coordination with people who are diverse in nature, habits and character. The foundation for such an art of living is provided while growing up in a family. The informal education given in a family life goes a long way in shaping a person’s character. However, the personal values/character has become the casualty in the eagerness to enjoy pleasures of life at any cost. The relationships are drifting away. Due to all these, family
system which, since ages, provided a significant support to build a healthy society is becoming weak and is in the danger of losing its importance.
At micro level, the instances of couples going for divorce due to trivial issues are on the rise. The marriage is losing its original meaning and achieving physical pleasure seems to be the sole purpose.
In this context, it will be a great idea for the newlyweds to come together to discuss the issues, exchange ideas and identify steps which can be implemented at our homes to make our home and life, better and meaningful. Such a discussion in a healthy family atmosphere will add to the fruitfulness of the discussion to derive meaningful solutions.
Considering above issues, “Kutumba Chintana Yaatre’ program has been designed.
The broad structure of this program is as follows.
- The subject of discussion is “Our Family”. This program is intended to be interactive and encourages healthy discussions between young couples. No lectures or preaching.
- All participants are expected to attend the whole program with an open mind avoiding any distractions. The program is on 31st March 2013 from 8am to 6pm.
- As the participation is limited to 20 couples, please confirm your participation at the earliest.
- Breakfast and lunch is arranged at the venue.
Yours truly,
Phone: 99001 57714
State Coordinator, Kutumba Prabhodini.
Venue address: Shri Amarnath Ji’s Home. MantriLake View, Kanakapura Road, Thalagatta Pura, Bangalore – 560 062. Phone: 98800 58473
You can also contact Shri Raghavendra Hebbar (93437 84855) for any information.