Mumbai. One similarity in the Modus operandi of the left groups and Church is the web of front organisations they build in order to camouflage their identity and agenda. It is only exposed if we go thread by thread. A case in point is the Palghar Sadhu lynching case which has hurt the Hindu feelings deeply. It is being blamed on the social media rumours of ‘Muslims spreading Corona’ and ‘ an active gang for kidney theft of children’, as if kidney is something which can be plucked like a flower. What is the source of this story? ‘The Print and many other media houses refer to one Raju Pandhara of Adivasi Ekta Parishad who claims that such rumours were being spread. In this sensitive situation if he is coming forward to make such claim it is not wrong to assume that Adivasi Ekta Parishad – media houses refer to it as ‘a grassroots organisation working in western India’ — and their activists are interested in promoting this version even before investigation is complete. So the question is, who are the entities behind Adivasi Ekta Parishad.
Two faces of Adivasi Ekta Prishad
On its website, Adivasi Ekta Parishad claims to ‘actively work for entire mankind and nature’. As recently as January 2020 they organised a big ‘Cultural’ gathering at Palghar attended by Madhya Pradesh Governor Anusuya Uike local member of parliament Rajendra Gavit and many other leaders.
It seems they organize it annually and is attended by about 2 lakh people according to their claims. The Palghar and adjacent dadra nagar haveli area seems to be their current focus area as the 2019 gathering was arranged near Silvasa in Dadra Nagar Haveli.
Behind the scene:
But at the same time, the CBCI website, the official website of Catholic Bishops of India claims that in 2019 gathering,
“Fr. Nicholas Barla, SVD – Secretary, CBCI Office for Tribal Affairs, one of the organizers and member of Adivasi Ekta Parishad and Sr. Lalita Roshni Lakra, DSA from the same office attended the three days program” and “Fr. Nicholas Barla, SVD, Secretary, CBCI, Office for Tribal Affairs also presented about his address to the UNO on tribal issues”.
The asianews.it, the official press agency of the Roman Catholic Pontifical Institute for Foreign Missions (PIME) from Italy claims
“The conference which took place from 13 to 15 January in Palghar district was sponsored by the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of India.” This is “part of the mission of the Church and it is the message of Jesus and the values of the Gospel,”
It further mentions ….said Fr Barla, “We are happy,” he added, “because Phoolman Chaudhary, vice president of the United Nations Permanent Forum for Indigenous Issues, also attended.”
Now what is this United Nations froum? it is an ‘advisory body’ of the UN where 8 members are nominated by various Governments and 8 members are nominated by ‘indigenous peoples organisations’ Phoolman Choudhary is from Nepal and is nominated by ‘indigenous organisations’. If ‘Adivasi Ekta Parishad’ is an indication, it will be no wonder if these global ‘indigenous organisations’ turn out to be another fronts for Church. But as a quasi UN body they get a neutral face and a luxury to work for the ‘poor indigenous people of the world’
And for ‘Adivasi Ekta Parishad to have international travels to submit their views to a quasi UN body, in which Father Nicolas Barla is invariably present. Of course on social media they mention him as just Nicolas barla and not Fr. Nicolas Barla. Read more
Some independent authors, when they investigate Adivasi Ekta Parishad, note interesting facts. For example, the book edited by Harry Goulbourne ‘race and ethnicity’ finds that Adivasi Ekta Parishad ” Appeal to the Adivasis to awake and get free from the clutches of Hindus”.
Considering all this, the real question is, are ‘social media rumours’ also a camouflage, to instigate the tribals to isolate themselves and to prohibit entries of ‘outsiders’ in Palghar tribal areas on the lines of ‘Pattalgarhi movement’?
Some questions..
All this is going on for years. But considering the volatile nature of the Sadhu Lynching issue, now Adivasi Ekta Parishad should explain
• Are their annual gatherings of lakhs of people sponsored by Church?
• Is CBCI representative Fr. Nicolas Barla on their governing board?
• Are they engaged in Anti Hindu propaganda as mentioned by some books?
• Why are they so eager to blaim the Sadhu lynching on social media rumours?
The Church should explain?
- What is the nature of their connection with Adivasi Ekta Parishad?
- Are they trying to influence and target the areas of Palghar and Dadra nagar haveli through such fronts?
Source: News Bharati