Dr Krishna Gopal, Saha-Sarakaryavah of RSS inaugurates Sangh Shiksha Varg-2013 at Maharshi Vyasa Mandir, Nagpur.
NAGPUR May 25: Continuing its long tradition, the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh is conducting a special month-long camp at its headquarters here for those desiring to work as its full-time activists. With changing times, the course has now been condensed to a 25-day affair, in which a total of 612 select Swayamsevaks are participating from 41 Pranths of 11 Kshethras.

For committed activists, who get their initial first two years of training at their work locations, the third year camp at Nagpur, that too when summer is in full blast here, has always been a challenge. But that has never deterred them, and this year too Swayamsevaks from all parts of the country, some of them doctors, engineers and self-employed professionals are participating in the camp, which is marked by strict discipline. Swayamsevaks from USA, UK and Nepal also attending the camp.
Varg Karyavah, (Deputy chief of the camp) Sri Vithal Rao Kamble from Navi Mumbai, however, denied that attendance had shrunk. “Departing from earlier norms, this year only those with three-four years’ of Sangh experience, and especially those carrying out some responsible work, have been chosen. These participants are in the age group of 18 to 40. A separate camp is conducted for higher age groups in November,” Kamble told reporters at Reshimbagh’s Smruti Mandir complex. Sri Pawan Kumar Jindal, a businessman and RSS functionary from Haryana, is the Varg Sarvadhikari overall in-charge of the camp
A day at the camp typically begins at the crack of dawn. Drills, physical education and lectures on Hindu values and traditions are necessary part of the raining, said Kamble. Asked if the course structure has evolved over the years, Kamble said newer topics like environment protection have been introduced. But there are no courses on political issues or even good governance.
Among the 612 attending the camp this year are 13 engineers and 11 doctors, 133 teachers, 19 lawyers, 72 self-employed, 81 employed, 51 farmers, six journalists, 17 professors, 64 pracharaks (full time RSS workers) and 71 students. Only 42 of them are from 18-20 age brackets while 146 are in 21-25 age group. The largest chunk of 275 is from 31-40 age group. RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat will address the valedictory function on June 6 at 6.30pm.

RSS Third Year Training Camp begins at Nagpur
NAGPUR, May 13: “We are committed to bring about a new transformation in the society, nay in the entire world. Anything new is not created sans pains and toil. Even a new birth is not without labor pains. We have come here to tone up our body, mind and intellect to become the vehicles of that change the entire humanity is awaiting eagerly. Let us utilize each moment in this camp to transform ourselves first”, said Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) Sah-Sarkaryawah K C Kannan here on Monday.
Delivering his inaugural address after the formal opening of the 25-days long RSS Third Year Sangh Shiksha Varg (Training camp) at the serene ambience at Maharshi Vyas Sabhagrih in Reshambag premises Kannan, who will be ‘guardian adhikari’ for the camp, exhorted the 600-odd participants drawn from all over the country to learn and acquire as much as they can during the period of training camp so that they can tame their physical, psychological, intellectual and spiritual strength to become the agents of change the RSS desired to usher in the near future.
In his almost an hour-long spellbinding address in chaste Hindi with typical southern accent Kannan all the swayamsevaks coming to Nagpur in the summer for the training have to live and learn the techniques of the organizations in a special atmosphere and situation. The temperatures sore during the summer to new heights, language might be a problem for those who were not familiar with Hindi, and food might be not upto the taste. But braving all these odds the RSS swayamsevaks come here to perform their ‘sadhana’ or penance to prepare them for the service of the society and motherland, he said.
Delving deep into the history of such training camps, he said that presently a number of facilities are made available to the swayamsevaks as compared to the early days to make their stay bearable. But expected from all the participating swaysmsevaks that they would devote wholeheartedly to learn and acquire all that knowledge that would be imparted to them during the 25-day camp.
“We should participate in each and every activity here considering it as a worship of the God”, he said. Kannan also exhorted the swaysmsevaks to experience the inherent unity by mixing with their counterparts coming from different regions, and speaking different tongues. “We say that India is one and boast in our ‘Unity in Diversity’. Here is the chance for you to experience that unity”, he said urging them to take proper advantage of this opportunity to know and imbibe the percepts of different languages.
Referring to the discipline of the camp the RSS Sah-Sarkarywah said that the discipline here is an instrument of enriching our lives for the cause of our motherland.
Earlier, the camp was formally opened by lighting the traditional lamp by Dr Krishna Gopal, Sah-Sarkaryawah of RSS, Pawan Jindal, Sarvadhikari of the camp, Vitthal Kamble, Karyawah and K C Kannan. Dr Krishna Gopal introduced the various adhikaris of the camp.
The inaugural session was attended among others by RSS Akhil Bharatiya Sharirik Shikshan Pramukh Anil Oke, his deputy Jagadish, All India Bouddhik Pramukh Bhagayya, his deputy Mahavir, Sampark Pramukh Hastimal, Shankar Lal, Balkarishna Tripathi, Dr Shankar Tatwavadi, senior pracharak Rambhau Bondale, Ramnarain, Vidarbha Prant Sahsanghchalak Ram Harkare, and western region RSS sahkaryawah Dr Ravindra Joshi.
(Inputs from Times of India and NewsBharati)