Today Mahadharnas of Youth Against Corruption (YAC) got overwhelming support from various mass organisations of the society. Some organisations participated in the Mahadharnas and expressed outrage of common people against corruption and Black money. Largest labour organisation of the country “Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh”, “Bharatiya Kisan Sangh” has declared their support in this ongoing battle by YAC. In Raipur there was ‘Bhrashtachar virodhi Kavya Sammelan’ in the presence of some famous poets. Students in groups as well as common people are visiting Mahadharna’s venue. Some are encouraging the gathering by singing songs & poems.
National leaders of YAC & ABVP today led this Mahadharnas at various places. YAC National Convener Sunil Bansal in Lucknow, YAC National co-convener Ravikumar in Bengaluru, YAC National co-convener Vishnudatt sahrma in Jabalpur addressed the agitators.
In Agra ABVP General Sec. Umesh Datt lashed out the government on the issue of bringing back black money lying in foreign banks. In this regard he raised the question on the intention of the central government. He appealed the crowd to be prepared for a decisive battle to punish government and bring back black money. In Patna ABVPNational Org. Secretary Sunil Ambekar told central government has lost people’s faith and hence it has to go immediately. He further said, even after exposure of huge corruption and public outcry, this Dr. Manmohan Singh government still continuing policy benefiting foreign companies, neglecting common people’s interest. FDI in Retail, is the best example of their corrupt intentions.
Sunil Bansal declared that after these Mahadharnas YAC will intensify its battle against corruption and will take initiative in bringing back black money.