RSS IT SANGAM at Bangalore
Bangalore Feb 20:
RK Mishra’s speech: [audio:http://samvada.org/files/rk_misra.mp3 ]
In a first of its Kind, nearly 500 young techie-Swayamsevaks from different Corporate-IT industries participated in “RSS IT Sangama-A confluence of all the Swayamsevaks of IT Milans, Karnataka” today at Bangalore. Dressed in RSS uniform-Ganavesh, with White Shirt, Khaki Shorts, Black hat and the belt, these techies participated in the unique programme.

IT Sangama,a full day event was convened today to commemorate the 10th anniversary of RSS IT Milans.
IT Milans are shakas attaended by IT Profssionals in Bangalore and Mysore. The 10th anniversary celebrations was attended by around 1000 IT professionals from Bangalore and Mysore. The concluding function was attended by Sri. Ram Madhav , the member of the Rastriya Karyakarini Samiti and Sr.Rajendra K Misra of Lead India fame.
Sri R.K.Misra in his speech appreciated the values and ethics that RSS carries & said ‘Inspite of all false allegations & all the bad publicity, RSS has just not survived but it has thrived. RSS’s affiliate sewa bharathi is carrying out more than 1.5 lakhs of service activities & its the RSS activists who first help the needy during calamities’. He also added that, It was only the less informed people, who are talking ill about the RSS.
He pointed out that, the present young generation is more patriotic than our generation because it knows that their future depends on the future of India. He elaborated this fact by giving his own example that, in his batch of IIT-Kanpur, more than 90% pass outs went abroad, but this year only 15% went abroad. He blamed the self declared ‘specular’ parties as ‘more communal & as dividers of the society’.
He urged the youth to get involved in Nation building activities and act unitedly to fight against corruption. He also urged the youth to engage aggressively in forums like Twitter and start active movements to improve the society , he also cited the example of how revolution took place with the help of online forums in Egypt.
Speaking on the occasion RSS Central Committee Member Ram Madhav said, “RSS is working to create a nation, where there is no hunger, no tears in the eyes of citizens & where people can live with dignity”. He added that, RSS is creating those individuals for whom the nation is the first priority & who are ready to sacrifice everything for the nation.
Talking about the role of youth in building India, Ram Madhv said, India is the world’s ancient country with at-least 5000 years of heritage & also the youngest country with more than 60% of its population is bellow the age of 30 years. ‘India has more talented young population than any other nation. Indian origin children always come on top in the most challenging competitions like Spell-B”, Ram Madhav added.
Talking about the youth participation in RSS, he said, ‘more than 70% of the swayamseveks are youth & these are the people who are acting as a change agents in the country, without expecting anything in return’. He also gave the example of two teen swayamsevaks of Bihar, who lost their lives in an attempt to rescue people affected by 2009 floods’. He urged the youth to join RSS & experience it. He said, ‘to know RSS you have to come to RSS’.
RSS Karnataka Saha Pranth Karyavah (Joint Secretary) N.Tippeswamy was present on dias. R. K. MISHRA, LEAD INDIA Champion and the SAHAYOG Founder was presided over the event.
The Sharirik Pradarshan (Demonstration of Physical Exercises) was exhibited by trained IT swayamsevaks during the valedictory Public event.
IT SANGAMA A confluence of all the Swayamsevaks of IT Milans, Karnataka
RSS Bangalore, now, have 75 IT Milans in Bengaluru. Since, its inception, RSS-IT have not done any such gathering of all the Swayamsevaks. During this period, many persons have joined Sangh, who may be fresh or were active at some other place. Also, during the same period, many Swayamsevaks have left Bengaluru in search of better opportunities. Hence, it was felt that, a gathering should be made of all these Swayamsevaks and should motivate others also to join. RSS called it as, IT SANGAMA on Feb.20, 2011, Sunday. The event started with breakfast at 8.00AM and concluded with Public Function by 6.00PM. During the day, there were some interactions with Senior Sangh Adhikaries, have chit-chat with old and new Swayamsevak friends, have some physical trainings for those who participate in Shareerik Pradarshan at Public Function etc.

RSS-Only hope for the country’s glorry.Every Bharatiya should join the RSS