RSS routr march at JK

JK: Addressing about 1000 Volunteers of RSS today at Justice Mehar Singh Park-Jammu, the state Sangh Chalak of RSS Brig.(retd) Sucheet Singh said accession of Jammu & Kashmir into India through the instrument of accession signed by Maharaa Hari Singh ji is final and non-negotiable. The direction of our policies should be guided by the unanimous resolution of our Parliament in 1994.
Addressing a gathering of swayamsevaks and RSS followers on the eve of annual Path Sanchalan (rote march) he demanded abolishment of Article 370 for full integration of J&K with India with no separate Constitution and flags and no autonomy or self-rule. He said autonomy today means Independence tomorrow and warned the union government that the nationalist people in Jammu, Kashmir & Ladakh will not tolerate if any such move was imposed on us. Brig.Singh said Article 370 that hinders full integration of Jammu & Kashmir with India needs to be abolished.
He said We will not allow anyone to impose pre-1953 situation in Jammu and Kashmir and asked the RSS volunteers to remain ready for agitation if any such move is imposed on us. He said terrorists are instigated to infiltrate and disturbance is created in Jammu & Kashmir at the behest of Pakistan. The truth is that even the constitution of Pakistan and the highest Court of the PoK don’t regard Jammu & Kashmir as a part of Pakistan. Pakistan, even then is engaged in creating trouble in Jammu & Kashmir,Why ? He said despite all this, our Central Government and the interlocutors appointed by it, insist time and again that Jammu Kashmir is a political problem? He said Jammu Kashmir is not merely an internal political problem. It is a problem created by aggression and terrorism instigated from across the border and fanatic fundamentalism, as also by our weak-kneed and indecisive policy.
Brig Singh said the Centre and the State Governments should pursue a policy of strengthening the voice of patriotic elements opposed to this aggression. He said the refugees of 1947,65 & 71 should be speedily settled there with full citizenship rights and the displaced Kashmiri Pandits should be settle back in their birth-land and the land of their ancestors with full preparedness and with impeccable guarantee of their safety so that they can live there as Indian. He said the Central Government and its interlocutors should change their mindset as the pre-1953 situation cannot be the basis of the solution to the Kashmir problem. The unanimous resolution passed by Parliament in 1994 that PoK be restored to Bharat should alone be the basis of the tone of discourse on the Kashmir problem. Later a the volunteers performed a rote march in Gandhi Nagar which was attended by large number of locals also.