Limca Book of Records
Rashtra Sevika Samiti a country-wide women’s organization, conducted 100 hours of marathon suryanamaskars or sun salutations with 10,000 sevikas (participants) across 100 villages of Maharashtra and Goa to celebrate the birth centenary of Vandaneeya Saraswathi Apte. Event was named as Akhanda Suryanamaskars Yagnya. It started at 6.00 am of June 25th,2009 and finished at 10.00 am of June 29,2009.
The exercise was performed continuously, day and night(with short intervals of about 5 minutes) at 100 different places. Performance was open for women aged between 3 and 90 years, including physically and mentally challenged persons. The message was ‘Healthy mind in a healthy body’.