Mangaluru, Dec 8: VHP, Bajrangadal, Hindu Jagarana Vedike and other like-minded organisations staged massive protest  in different parts, in and around Mangaluru as part of the Bandh called by VHP and Bajrangadal against the attack on Datta Peetha pilgrims on the night of December 5 at Ulaibettu, near Mangaluru.


Addressing the meeting, BJP Leader Tejaswini Gowda said, “We feel like we were not born in Hindusthan. All this is happening because of the Congress party. We have ruled our country by surrendering our swords. We know how to rule.” Alleging that the stones at the protest were pelted by Muslims, she said, “We are not mad to throw stones at our own members. This was done by Muslims. “Hindus are peace-loving people, but if even one Hindu is provoked, then it is very diffcult to make him quiet again,” she added. “I will be there with you whenever there is a problem or whenever you need me. Those who are using swords should be arrested,” Tejaswini told the gathering, adding, “You should be ready to sacrifice your life to protect Hindutva.”

Sri Rajashekharananda Swamiji of Gurpur Vajradehi Matha said, “Today’s protest shows the kind of strength we have. Even though we did not get a chance to go into Ulaibettu, we are winners. We will go to Ulaibettu in the coming days. Some threw stones but we are not worried about that, because we are united and even women have joined to support us. “Do not lose patience. Do not take law into your hands,” he added.

The protest by VHP, Bajrang Dal and other pro-Hindu organizations ended amid stone-pelting and with police refusing to allow the protestors into Ulaibettu where Section 144 has been imposed.

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Speaking to media persons, police commissioner R Hitendra said that the police plan to impose Section 144 and stop the protestors from entering Ulaibettu was successful as it helped in preventing the situation from worsening. The police have arrested two buses full of protestors, but the exact number of arrests will be ascertained later, said the polic commissioner. He also added that that they would be booked under relevant sections.

He further said that as of now, the protest has ended and the situation is under control. He also said that there was no connection between the stabbing incidents on Sunday December 7 and this issue. Earlier, the protestors tried to gatecrash into Ulaibettu where Section 144 has been imposed, but were stopped by the police.

When the protestors refused to back down, the police resorted to lathi charge.  The angry protestors demanded that they be allowed to enter Ulaibettu, even as leader Jagadish Shenava tried to calm them down in vain. The situation threatened to go out of hand when stones were pelted, but it is not clear if it was done by protestors or other locals against the protest.

The police then ushered some of the protestors including Satyajit Suratkal intobuses. Shenava too urged the protestors to get into the buses to avoid being hit by stones. Satyajit claimed that they had planned a peaceful protest, but some miscreants had resorted to stone-pelting from a hillock and created trouble. Bajrang Dal leader Sharan Pumpwell asked everyone to disperse and return to their homes. The protest then came to an end and the crowd began to disperse.

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(Inputs from Daijiworld Mangaluru)


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