Bharat Mata Poojan

Bengaluru January 22, 2016: RSS Swayamsevaks to celebrate 67th Republic Day of the nation, along with BHARAT MATA POOJAN Ceremony across Karnataka on January 26, 2016 at their house, localities through simple ceremonies.

RSS Sarasanghachalak Sri Mohan Bhagwat to hoist National Flag on the occasion of 67th republic day at RSS headquarter Dr Hedgewar Bhavan Premises, Mahal at Nagpur, Maharashtra on on January 26, 2016. 

Last year Bharat Mata Poojan prog was held nearly at 30,000 places in which participation of Women and youth was promising. This year too, RSS Swayamsevaks taken a drive to reach more homes.

What is Bharat Mata Poojan?

How to perform Bharat Mata Poojan?.

– Bharat Mata Poojan be performed in every household
– Decide on the exact time of the Poojan prior means (9am in morning or 5pm in evening etc. 1 hour prog)
– Invite all your neighbours, well-wishers and friends
– Place a photo of Bharat Mata and adorn it with flowers
– The poojan should begin with patriotic songs, bhajans and prayers
– Request everyone present to perform pooja of Bharat Mata with flowers
– Next, a speech for 25 minutes. Speak about the greatness of our land, achievements, sacrifice and martyrdom of great men (for about 20 mins)
– You can make use of audio CDs/Casettes of patriotic songs or speeches

The primary reason for all the ills Bharat is facing today is the fact that we have forgotten that all Bharateeyas are our brothers and sisters, our nation is our family and that Bharat Mata is our mother. As her son and daughters, respecting Bharat Mata is our duty.


Bharat Mata Poojan
Bharat Mata Poojan
How to observe Bharat Mata Poojan?
How to observe Bharat Mata Poojan?

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