A truck carrying emergency materials
Uttarakhand, June 27: Rashtreeya Swayamsevak Sangh Swayamsevaks are continuously indulged in flood rescue and relief operations at Uttarakhand on the 8th day. Food packets, medical kits, emergency materilas including clothes etc were collected and immediately dispactched regularly in trucks. RSS has established several medical camps at various places keeping the primary concern on physical health of the people affected.
RSS has initiated Uttaranchal Daivi Aapda Peedit Sahayata Samiti, under which the relief activities are in progress.

Relief activities are in progress under the leadership of Laxmi Prasad ji- Prant Karyawah RSS Uttarakhand (09412056755).
Below given is the Bank account details of RSS initiated Uttaranchal Daivi Aapda Peedit Sahayata Samiti.